SB Labs

Yum Yum in my belly!

rnmuscle said:
ends up hiding in the closet, and peeking out the window…looking for the shadow SWAT team!!!
Pushing couches up against doors cause it may stop the cops from coming inside. And then when it’s all gone. “Hey let’s get more”. Wtf. Glad them days are long gone.
I was talking to chick the other day says she never seen the shadow people. I just said you never went deep then. Glad you got help before the paranoia came
If I would of got into the scene that was going then, I wouldn’t be here. And all bodybuilders. I was just a couple years too young, but I was always “brought along” it was like you don’t wanna do this as they all took Nubain before training and a couple years later things got worse with the after show parties and GHB. More often than not these were just local BBers having after parties after the Mr. Ohio or something, there was still fitness back then but no bikini, wellness. It was men and women bodybuilding and fitness routines. Off the subject, I’ve been going back and forth watching this Vigorous Steve guy. He goes over things that his subscribers or whatever want to hear about. He has some real interesting stuff about carrier oils, dosages, different medications. It’s a different take from others.