SB Labs

Recent content by NeuroRN

  1. NeuroRN

    HCG Suppressing HPTA

    But that’s not how negative feedback loops work.
  2. NeuroRN

    HCG Suppressing HPTA

    👀👀👀 thank you for posting. Been saying this for awhile. We’ve got to stop using this as pct. It’s totally ass backwards.
  3. NeuroRN know your a bodybuilder when

    KC, MO is a cool spot. We have been looking for a foreclosure in the Denver area and they are still insanely expensive.
  4. NeuroRN

    Getting Injuries Is Inevitable

    Great word @Poppy
  5. NeuroRN

    Dirts ment to be bold nothing going to stop me this time

    You’ve been pretty good about taking Hypertrophy breaks in your training, your goal is strength so a nice little beach body split for a little bit will be a nice change.
  6. NeuroRN

    Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

    It is indeed. We will make it work though!
  7. NeuroRN

    Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

    Woke up way too early. Couldn’t go back to sleep. Quick upper: DB flat bench: 15,15,12,12,10,10 DB High Incline: 15,12,12,12,10 Chest supported DB row: 12,12,12,10,10 Pull down: 15,15,12,12,10 Shrugs: 15,15,15,12,12 Lateral raise: 12,12,12,10,10
  8. NeuroRN

    Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

    😂😂😂😂😂 this made me laugh.
  9. NeuroRN

    Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

    Yes it is! Totally worth a day off from training.
  10. NeuroRN

    Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

    7.8 miles. Was a pretty day. Got a smidge crispy under those blue skies. Hopefully it will turn to tan soon. t
  11. NeuroRN

    Summer is coming. NeuroRN log

    Thanks guys!
  12. NeuroRN

    July 8th edition of bodybuilding and diets

    She is indeed a badass! Should be a fun one!
  13. NeuroRN

    July 8th edition of bodybuilding and diets

    Eggs whites. Pancakes. Peanut butter. White pomegranate tea. Water. OJ. Letting my wife pick a hike today. She likes those 9-10 milers. Might train after. Might not depends on what the trail holds.
  14. NeuroRN

    Old Mans Updated Progress

    Heck of a training partner ya got there.