SB Labs

13 weeks in training

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Well-known member
So started up at on Jan 3. My goal was to get to by 6/21.
Wanted a clean Bulk cycle.
Test P
Mast P
Dbol first 4 weeks.

4th week in I got Covid. That hurt my training for 3weeks I felt like shit.
Once I got back to training I was eating very clean body was coming around. Gained 5 pounds in 5 weeks. went to
on the 9 week I switched a compound.
dropped Mast P replaced it with Tren A.
My over all body mind feel real good.
I work in construction so feeling and being strong is big.
So im at week 13 and im at 180.2
I will continue for 20 week cycle. I leave for Disney World on Monday for vacation.
I believe I reached my goals …Thanks for all the advice and guidance.
I am waiting for my mid cycle bloods to come back see where im at. :muscle:t2:
Nice gains brotha. What is your dose of tren? That compound can affect people so differently. Glad your doing good on it. I am in construction also and I love it.
So I started with .5 for week. Then .75 for now. I will leave it at that. My body and mind are reacting good so far. There r times I do get into a confrontation about something or with someone and I get a bit heated. But I am doing my best to manage thru.
Still married. Hahahahaha
All my products are SRX.
Good luck @Rusty
rageal316 said:
. I will leave it at that. My body and mind are reacting good so far.
I believe you’ve broke the code brother. You look great. Made a perfect transformation AND you feel great… to me very important for an advanced age lifter.
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That’s gospel brother. You’re handling it well. Don’t give up! Fight on!

I believe you’ve crossed over and found a sustainable protocol. Please keep us posted.
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