SB Labs

20 week mapped out cycle


The pictures are flip flop the bottom is the first. No heavy doses everything’s mild. If I had the cash I would run hgh whole cycle…maybe next go round. Thank you for any input
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Stats 5’7 170… Down 30 pounds do to certain circumstances as stated in introduction 15%bf.,. 3500-4000 cals
Carbs 200 protein 300 fats 150… Goals???.. I have to laugh at the one because of my past…anyways… 230 and cut back down to 212…not on this cycle alone of course but with time and progression…diet and gear…I am playing with the harderers this time…yes…
Thanks I know it’s a bitch to read… I could delete photos and re do in 3 piece pic.

I like this low dose cycle compared to running 900 test and 400 tren a.

More compounds but mild. What’s your thoughts on my nolva clomid
Hell I might as well delete them I wrote it out…haha… But with the DBOL… I’ll probably stretch it out to 30 days by tapering off… Same with the anavar…
Hha that picture is HELLA confusing. Which is why I think not many responded.

I say run EQ the whole time. But I love EQ and see great results from weeks 8-16. I front loaded this Last run and saw those same results starting week 6.

I would double clomid and nolva first two weeks of pct and then do 40/20 second two weeks.

I’ve never used hcg solely for pct. I always start it mid cycle and keep it going through my pct.

You have an AI on hand? Any caber Incase tren and Deca get on top of you?

OP will have much clearer insight. This is just my own opinion.