2021 Goals, plans and ambitions

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Ok- So I am not a new years resolution maker, but I do have a few goals and I think putting them here might help with some accountability and I could use any insight from my UG brothers and sisters. As I have stated before, I am going to turn 50 this May. I am a big, muscular dude with too much body fat and I am hoping to make a dent in that by May. I am trying to be realistic here, but six months is a decent amount of time to make some changes I think. So here is what I am thinking:

Current stats- 5’10 (rounded up really 5’9.75), 252. Last DEXA scan put my BF at 25%, but I am not relying on that and I don’t really care. What I want is to see my abs. Top 4 at least, all ideally. My plan is to shoot for 2000 K/cal daily with 200-300 grams of protein, 100-150 carbs and the rest discretionary. I am not going to track fat since I get enough anyway. I am going to stick to the current workout plan, which is a five plan and I will probably add soccer or hockey on Sundays. I am also going to add in some LISS, about 45-60 minutes walking uphill . I am going plan a cycle of Test C 250mg weekly (my TRT dose) 300mg Mast P for six weeks and the last six weeks add in 30 mg daily of Var along with 4iu HGH daily. I will start this on the 1st and after the cycle re-evaluate, take a break and see where I go from there. I am also going to really work on eating slower. I am a wolf and I have read several studies that people who eat slower and mindfully tend to be leaner.

So, to start, I want to lose 27lbs of fat (ideally all fat) and I will reassess from there.

My weaknesses or obstacles are:
My wife stocks the house with Junk food for the kids (and no she won’t stop), so sometimes I mindlessly snack.
I have trouble tracking prepared meals when my wife cooks (she does most of it to be honest) and I will just guesstimate.
I get lazy and stop tracking when I think I have enough calories left for the day.
I get frustrated with lack of scale progress and give up.
If I have too many drinks I overeat and/or justify cheating. Same goes for a hangover (does not happen often).

Sorry for the long post. I just needed to brainstorm and get this out there.

If you have any goals, feel free to post them here and if you have any input or suggestions, please add them in. Cutting is not my strong suit.
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You don’t need to apologize for the post buddy.It’s your gonna do it, and if your on here while doin it, we can help you be accountable for what your trying to achieve.Mast is good, but I feel it’s a waste of your diet sucks,it seems like that is gonna be your biggest problem,if you stick to your plan, I’m sure you can achieve what want.I’m with you on this all the way, as I’m sure everyone here is.
@DarthSocrates I didn’t mean to come off like i was blowing you off.

I feel your pain brother. I failed my 50’s and am paying for it with an a1c problem I’m battling with. You’re doing everything right by addressing your goals. I will support you the best i can. I can at least tell you how not to do it. Haha you’ll be in the club when you turn 5-oh!
Meal prep your own use a calorie tracking app I dropped 50 in about 4 months last year befor first cycle just doing this I was also only 2 six packs month during this time and completely sober the first two. If you absolutely must have some junk food I always had one pack of reeces a day as part of meal prep and had everything else
Works taor
The drinks are my biggest enemy. I know I need to kick it all together cause it’s a lot of calories just in the drinks and zaps ambition. Alcohol also kills testosterone so really no point running a cycle if drinking. I personally would be in much better shape if I didn’t drink at all. I don’t do it Ed. But even casually for a guy like me that absorbs everything he eats or drinks. It doesn’t take much. My two cents. I’m with ya brother!!!
Curious about this. Did you meal prep every meal for the week, or was it just for work? I am trying to decide, but I think this may be a good option. Remove the decision making from the equation.
Ya, I come from a long line of drinkers (lot of Irish and German blood), but I don’t seem to have the addictive gene. I was prescribed Norco for years and never needed them (in the sense of addiction). I do have one or two drinks nightly though. I stick to 1 shot vodka, soda water and a splash of light cran. About 85-100 calories per drink. It does make me worry about orals though so I am going to get bloods done before running the var just to make sure things are ok.
Ok. Another question. What calorie deficit did you run and did you add in cardio. 50 lbs in 4 months!
You sir are my inspiration. Sorry for so many questions, but if I could lose 30 in 4 months I would be ecstatic.
Thanks John,

Your right- Honestly, I would run some tren if my BP wasn’t crap, but I really need to focus on diet. I like running mast with my TRT anyway, usually 100mg weekly. I figured if I ran the mast with the var, the mast will make me horney and the var will take that away, but the cycle will help to keep me on track psychologically and maybe prevent any muscle loss, and perhaps strength. What do you think?
That’s not much at all. I can have a beer now and then without having to get drunk. But if I touch the hard stuff I ain’t happy unless I’m drunk. Lol then I have no idea how much I’m drinking
It kills natural production when you inject alcohol aninto doin shit. That’s one of the advatanges of injecting test is your levels will be the same
No matter how shitty diet sleep and what are.
Two drinks a night isn’t bad unless you find your sneaking in a snack or two with it. It sounds repetitive but measuring your food is huge. I think and I’m also in this boat think they’re eating x amount and there way over or way under. Try eating what you normally are and log it for a week or two. Then start shaving off a few hundred calories a week. It’s a slow shitty process but once it becomes habit it’s a little easier. As far as cardio goes… Fuck Cardio!
Really. So it kills normal natural test but not the fake stuff eh!!! Good to know. Well if a guy is like me and serious about his health he shouldn’t touch hard liquor anyways. Like I said I can have a couple beers with my chicken wings or a glass of wine with spaghetti. But if I start hitting the hard stuff there is no telling how much I’m gonna drink.
Brother from me being an addict myself lets all get honest and admit that if you drink every night then im sorry that’s not normal drinking your body is using it as a meditation almost but its still addiction.
Its all good probably 80% of people on earth are addicted to something from kids 3yrs old addicted to sugar upto the 30 million plus addicted to opioids.

I wouldn’t run anything oral if you drink on a daily basis its just a recipe for disaster.

Im going to jump in and check out cycle plan soon and see what you got going on the drinking as long as you have gotten blood work done.
Just to be sure that you are in the right place to get started.
It took me over a year to get my weight and shape back before I started back after I ruptured my bicep. Waiting is worth it because in the end you will get much better results.
I’m with @John if your diet sucks, mast isn’t really gonna help you. It’s a feel good, sure. Makes me horny as hell.

Stop judging success by the the scale. Especially if your going to be on cycle.

Don’t feel bad about your long post, etc. we’re here to help you reach your goals.

I also want to second @Bigmurph, 2 beers every night is still addiction. I legit cannot count the amount of people that have come into the hospital “just a glass of wine a night” “just 2-3 beers a night” still go into withdrawal.

If you look at all the reasons you said you suck at losing weight, the common thread- lack of discipline. Sounds harsh, but it’s true. If you want something you’ve never had, it’s time to do something you’ve never done. Motivation only gets you so far, if you want to lose the weight-make the choices and do it.

The reason I say this is because in order to run gear and be safe you have to have that same discipline. We’re here to support and help- the day to day choices required to succeed are yours.

Good luck. Be safe.
Appreciate it. Just to be clear on a couple things. I do drink, and more nights than not I have two, but not every night. I am fine going as long as I need without having one. I did a PSMF last November and kept it to a couple on the weekends and that was fine too. But I enjoy it, its part of my wife and I winding down. Ok- still might be addiction, but wanted to elaborate. As far as diet. I have cut from 272 to 233 before. My diet is by any means bad, but I do have a tendency to overeat even the healthy stuff, that and snack. So those are things I am going to work on. I think I will hold off on running any sort of cycle aside from TRT and HGH until I drop down a few pounds. I do like Var and Mast, and I really want to stock up a primo blast. So maybe I will diet and save up for a Primo cycle, or perhaps a test only cycle.
I like it.

Please don’t ever take anything that is said in any other way than safety and harm reduction.

All these compounds are dangerous. The scale starts at dangerous and can go up to life altering real quick. I just want to make sure my UGM fam stays healthy and reaches their goals.
Primo brother when its real with tbol or var and testosterone you should run atleast a high trt number while using other compounds.
Its well worth it and I will recommend certain labs over others because they are definitely not created equal when it comes to methenolone enanthate or primo.
Its my favorite compound and you can run it at 400mg and make gains upto 800mg to 1000mg people push it but its not perfect like they claim either there are definitely side effects. Its a strong DHB or DHT but that’s a whole different debate lol
Hair loss and acne were the top 2 side effects I experienced and you should search which primo I use the cost is very affordable and there test is also great just becareful it is suspended in EO which is the carrier oil. Few have a reaction to this product. Alot of primo has strong solvents because its a heavy molecular structure thats why normal dose is 100mg/ml per amp but you can find alot of 200mg/ml nowadays it might save you on the amount you pin but primo also comes with a bite or pip especially real primo.
DarthSocrates said:
Ok- still might be addiction, but wanted to elaborate
Also it doesn’t matter brother you are functioning and doing what sounds like good in life. It would be a different story if you weren’t in control. Were not at all implying that you are a junkie or a drunk. Atleast I wasn’t at all
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