3/16 edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Morning all.Breakfast was a cheese steak, strawberries R1 shake,and water.Startin a little job today nice to have some work.Not sure about lifting later,if I do it will be chest.I appreciate everyone’s participation on my morning thread.
Parents are in town visiting. So most likely no training this week. And no chance of keeping diet in check, it’s also restaurant week out here so I’ll be eating good all week.
The house I’m Workin on,I believe @Poppy was born around the same time
Good morning!
Diet will be the same thing basically.
Protein/oat shakes
Chicken breast/rice
Egg whites/fruit
Fat free cottage cheese/rice cakes

Today is an off day.
Side note: sciatica is better so I did 3 days in a rows of walking the hills for a half hour each day and my blood pressure went from 150’s/100 down to 130/85 last night. Cardio is a must for me especially since adding HGH. 👍
I think you could be right. I dropped tbol for a month and have felt less toxic. Yesterday, I added 50mg tbol upon waking for the hell of it. 5 hours later I did arms and delts. Holy moly!!! My muscles looked so full and round and I hit new strength records on my rear, middle, and front delts. I’m only using bands lately but I went up from the yellow band to the red band which I haven’t ever done in the two years I’ve messed with bands. That being said, I’m trying to stay off orals until summer, at least for the most part. I know I’ll slip here and there. Hahaha 😀
Us old fuckers really shouldn’t use orals.
I slacked on food today,just got home, basketball practice,the last one @ 1700 today…3 tbl spoons of Peanut butter, R1 shake,a banana.my wonderful wife is gonna have dinner ready for us,have no clue as to what it is but I’m eating all of it
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I’m not sure how it’s possible that I only seem to post on the logs on cardio days but in any case for meals I had the following:
  • breakfast - bagel w/ cream cheese, oats, 1% cottage cheese
  • Lunch - chicken breast, ramen noodles, broccoli, 2 bananas
  • dinner - chicken legs, rice, beets, broccoli
  • evening snack - chicken, oats
Audible on training today rear delts and biceps. Elbows a little beat up for triceps I’ll hit those Friday with shoulders
Making wings will either take whole night off work or go in for -6-8 hours or ot tonight
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