3rd cycle recommendations or for future cycles


Hey everyone, thought it best to create new topic instead of loading up my intro with questions. So originally was gonna start my 3rd cycle by now, but one of the vials was leaking. I figured best to not use it. Might be a good opportunity to get some tweaks for best results and ideas going forward.

So what I have so far is 500 a week sust and 500 a week nan d . Was planning inject twice a week mon/Thurs. Then androl at 50 a day for first 4 weeks. 10mg of Nolvadx a day as AI

Already heard adding provrn which sounds pretty good, whats a good dose and do you run it full cycle? Also the need to pump up the test? My last cycle on week 8, blood showed test labs at 908. I originally thought that was pretty amazing coming from under 200 before my first cycle. Apparently thats not an impressive number, atleast from the gymmies. Any advice is appreciated.
No nor19 without caber prami or bromo and I believe that your dose is very high go 600mg test and lower decca to 200-300mg
Adjust from lower tl higher and you gotta get a serious pct together or get ready because after this cycle you will need trt for life.
Im going to be straight up no sust no decca

Run testosterone e or c at a mg that your bp doesn’t get dangerously high. Add proviron and possibly a non aromatase oral tbol or anavar.

Sust is extremely difficult to deal with peaks and valleys without alot of experience. Decca and sust stay in the body working 4-6wks after your last injection. What if something does go wrong you can’t pull the rip cord because your on the ride and can’t get off.

Just my opinion brother I just wanted to be honest because I ran that same cycle as my 10th lets say and had more problems and I swore off both compounds.
Damn, glad I’m asking. So I did 6 weeks of nolvedex for pct 40mg first 2 weeks 20mgs last 4. I also was taking a supplement called after wrath. How far off am I from what your talking about.
The cycle you are looking to run will put your estrogen through the roof and possibly your progesterone also its a very strong combination of compounds.

I would say a testosterone cycle with small add ons would be your best bet
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So the big thing for the deca, was having the same recovery benefits as npp without all the pinning. Man I was reading up and down before my first cycle, still a lot to learn. I’ll read up on the PCT section here, as other places are less cautious.
You can not even run a pct or anything big why not go see a trt doctor and get everything right with access to pharma grade products.
Then possibly in the future maybe come back to running a blast
I am generally going to agree with any recommendation coming from murph… but on this one… I HIGHLY agree with murph.

Your pct on your last cycle was like trying to start a fire by rubbing wet sticks together after a storm. If you did the same thing after the cycle you have planned… if would be the equivalent rubbing sticks together during a hurricane.

19nors are no joke. For starters most would recommend a 2:1 ratio of test to Deca.

I think you should go get bloodwork done now. If that was your last PCT, and your test was 200 pre cycle you will qualify for TRT.

I personally believe you have quite a bit to learn before reaching for Deca and sust. Especially before throwing Anadrol on top of it.
I’m always so back and forth on what to run. Would be great to have an outline of recommendations for like first 5 cycles haha. I’m just indecisive and everyone has different opinions so it’s tough to get your head around. I plan my next cycle and two weeks later I plan something different lol
I think it’s me just overthinking. New to the game and there’s so many compounds and options and dosages and cycles out there.

It’s an exciting point for me as my diet and training have been dialed in for a while, and I’ve been responding well to what I’ve taken so far. I think my issue has been thinking too short term and not long term. My next cycle isn’t important, what important is being consistent year round and keeping it simple.

I felt like I just talked myself through my own solution with your guys input haha. Thanks @NeuroRN @John
I know exactly what you mean though, I use to do it to,but I believe you have to be committed to this, slow and steady, and I’m not sayin my commitment don’t waiver but, it can get real expensive and annoying changin shit up all the time.
How’s the weather up where your at?
I lived in Longview Wa.and Vancouver for a couple years. Miss the scenery, not so much the people though…