60 mgs of Anavar 4 Life


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I was talking to a guy at my gym today and he was telling me that he has a buddy that has been running 60mgs of Var a day for 20 years non stop. He is 53 now. I thought that was outrageous and probably bullshit. But the guy said his buddy gets his blood work done regularily and everything is always in range. Just wondering what you guys think about that?
I think 1. he’s full of shit. 2. Even Var is hard on your liver. Not ABOMBS hard but still hard. 3. If he is. And I mean if, he’s asking for trouble very soon. 4. Was it even real anavar? 5. Why would you do that? 20 years? Come on man…
Tbol and var alway raised my levels. But I wonder if levels will increase with duration or stay at any given level for whole duration of use. Meaning If 60mg puts someone at 70 and it stays thier for evert until upping dose.
I’m absolutely calling BS on this. I ran 50-100mg of Var ED for six weeks, and that is absolutely all I could take. It’s a fun and useful pump and fat burner, but I felt decidedly worse on it overall, almost like I could feel that it is not good for me.
I don’t believe it I could see certain cycles he would add 60 daily but that’s it. Daily maybe 25, 20 but still that’s pushing it. Anybody have their levels spiked with 25mg daily?
It doesn’t have the psychological “kick” as test or MENT or mast, etc. Provides some great pumps and does burn fat, and for those two reasons, I will run it again next blast. But I just didn’t feel as physically good as I did before I included toward the end of my blast. I always feel SO much better during a blast than a cruise, it takes my greatest discipline to force myself back to a cruise. But with var, I had no problem dropping it immediately. For me, it’s just not a “feel good” compound. For me, it was more like tren: something you tolerate because it does good things for your physique.
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I will add this: It is an oral and, thus, inherently tough on your liver. And liver disease runs rampant in my family, so I probably had this in the back of my head the whole time I was running var.
I love var and always incorporate in my cycle but never run it more than 8 weeks. Usually 40mg-60mg. I cant fathom someone would take it for 20 years straight. I definitelty think the guy is full of shit.
So aids and HIV patients take Anavar for years sometimes but im not sure what the prescribing protocol is for doctors treating them and doses can get as high as 100mg a day.