SB Labs

7 weeks out

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IFBB Pro -Coach - sponsored athlete
Staff member
What’s up fam. Well 205 this morning. Coach wanted me ahead and we are getting ahead. That way he can start feeding me more going into show. The parts I wanted to improve have come up so I’m happy. Have a great week fam as always thanks to @Omegaman for all his support. If you guys haven’t checked him out yet what are you waiting for? When I say we have too people with us we have the very top and up coming stars. I would never say names but I’ll just say a handful or more will be competing at the Olympia this year.

We are the best for a reason and trusted by pros for a reason.


Getting there. Wait till I throw cutters in. And @Omegaman new injectable orals. Anavar, winny, proviron. Painless also zero PIP. Some top
Pros already have them abs are raving over them. Hopefully will
Be fully launched soon
Inject mesterlone would be interesting,never thought I’d see that.
It’s very apparent you’ve put considerable size on your upper body.
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I’ve seen it once and had back and forth with sponsor but I never felt I could trust them. They inject 5mg mtren so they seemed a bit mucch
Wow, I tried to look back at last year and the year before but I couldn’t find it. You are a lot Fuller and bigger in the arms and only have that 6 week phase you’ve been through a 100 times. 205 now but you look bigger in all the places you needed and have that sheet of water only to get rid of…Only on your back, and your back always comes in. Im impressed(like that matters) but don’t forget who always gets your weight right for the shows, LOL. In those shots your arms look a lot better Tris from the side and rear. Serratus/oblique and I would guess abs look tight way out , Hams are even and hard from back. I don’t know what you did but 5-8 of water loss and then like finally struggle to make 198! then even harder at 200 onstage. It looks like you put on 5 lbs of muscle in the right places. Your condition is always there, but you are gonna pop out as a LH. It even looks like you put on something on the calves from the rear. Im really excited for you especially hitting masters. It always makes me want do step onstage when I see some of you guys!!! I forget my age. My buddy Rusty is still going strong. At 50 , you don’t have to be “big” just have the illusion, I emailed Omega…wink ,wink. Maybe do an update at 3 weeks and then go dark… Then show up at kick some ass. When there was no internet, all the talking would stop at 3 weeks and full coverup at the gym…LOL, Gotta have a certain sick mentality to love bodybuilding! Stay focused. You can double your prices with that IFBB pro after your name.
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