9 Days Out

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Good morning hard chargers,

I hope we’re all doing well both physically and mentally. I admire you all for taking pride in your health, and the fact that you have an understanding of how these compounds truly work, and affect the endocrine system.

May you all continue to push yourselves in order to reach said goals.

So we got 9 days left, I’m hoping what I bring will be good enough…

I’m not having any carbohydrates at this point, water is still a gallon per day and I notice I have chronic dry mouth from the depletion.

Hammies feel really tight and hard, I haven’t lost a significant amount of strength, I’m still lifting rather heavy and will train until next Wednesday as I leave for Tennessee Thursday morning.

I’m feeling better about my posing and overall physique.


Wake time 3:45am get to the gym by 4:20am, work out till about 6:20am.


Monday—>> Legs
Tuesday—>> Chest
Wednesday—>> Back
Thursday—>> Bicep/Shoulders
Friday—>>> Triceps/ Shoulders
Abs everyday after workout which include, Leg Raises, Knee Raises, Side Leans, Twist

2-A-Days are also in full play------>>>> Treadmill 30 mikes with high incline of 8, Stairmaster 30 mikes on speed of 6. This is Monday-Saturday at 6:00 pm


Dynamatize Cocoa Pebbles ------>>>> (Exceptional flavors, please give them a try, no medicated taste)
Psyllium Husk---->>> (Expands in you, therefore it helps you to not be hungry while cutting, great source of fiber)
Creatine Hydrochloride—>>> (Hydrocholride over Monohydrate due to having less water retention)
Old School Labs Fat Burner —>>> (Really great product but you have to already be around 10-12% to see results)

Trenobolone Acetate: 2 Pins per week (Mon & Fri) 1/2 CC per pin, 100MG per week.
Anavar: Mon & Fri, 20MG per week.

I keep the dosages low as I’ve learned over time what works for my body when using certain compounds. In order to mitigate the sides of Tren, I take low dosages, I still however sweat hard, and I do feel the anger but I can control and suppress said rage.

I’ve been running for about 12 weeks, as of now there is no tren-dick, no night sweats, no “4th grader” sitting on my chest when I sleep at night. Just the sides that were mentioned above, and again this is because the dosages are so low.

I feel very strong in the gym and I’ve always been a fan the outcome when using this compound properly with hard lifting and a great diet.










9 days left to get absolutely dry as humanely possible, ill let you guys know the outcome, no matter the outcome…

Semper Kill


P.S. Apologies for any grammatical errors, I wrote this quick.


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Good evening everyone, and happy fathers day to the dads here. 🙂

So we got the win for middle-weight division at NPC Jr Nationals!!!


I stepped on stage at 170lbs, after initially weighing in at 165lbs. I carbed up a little that morning but not to much.

I had 2 wraps with hash-browns, (McDonald’s) 2 baby moon pies, with about 6 blackberries. (That’s It) I felt really really dry, but was told to come in dryer in order to garner Pro-Card at USA Championships.


Here is my conundrum we’re dealing with.

It’s $350.00 to enter USA Championships, plus the flight to Vegas (I’m in Fl) plus the hotel for 3 days, plus the supplementation. I don’t know if I have enough time or the funds to do this.

I may wait to Dec 2nd, which is a show in Orlando, FL, the NPC National Championships. Both will allow me to qualify for Pro-Card, I really want to do the USA Championships, so we’ll see. I just don’t know if 6 weeks is enough time to prepare.

I was happy with my overall look here but I could been a little more dry in core and glute area. I may need to add some winny in there… Gonna think on it and also think on what show I want to do, to go after pro-card.


Hunter Labrada was there, super down to earth guy.

He was saying judging can be extremely subjective, one can think you look one way, while another sees you yet another way.

He then compared himself to Nick Walker, and said the judges see him as being bigger but Nicks physique being more “prettier” this conversation arised when I asked how I was beat by the gentlemen in the green who won overall.

As I thought I had a chance to win the overall show.


Anyways I wanted to inform you guys on the news, I hope everyone is having a great fathers day.

I’m also very aware that it takes time and years for one to earn their pro-card. I’m just speaking from a very positive sense.


This was a great experience and I’m more hungry and want to continue to compete to get better and of course to garner pro card.

Would you guys agree though that 6 weeks is a quick timeframe to hop into another very important show.

I’ve also began to question myself and ask am I even ready for USA’s as the guys I went against in my division weren’t that good. (In my humble opinion)

Am I good enough to withstand competition when you finally go against an opponent who takes the sport seriously???

I think I’ve been looking at to many pics of last years competition at USA Championship and it’s getting in my head.


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