I’m micro dosing. .4ml TrenA every day. So on a one ml Slin pin you would draw to 4 at a 100mg per ml that would give you 40mg of TrenA which is 280mg a week. You would never ride above 80mg a day for your levels doing micro dosing and no spikes. This was knowledge given to me by @PHD and helps reduce sides and keeps levels constant without spikes. My first Tren ride the only side I had was night sweats. But that was a couple weeks and went away. I also cleaned up my diet. Some one told me too many carbs will affect you.
I’m definitely gonna do this cause not only I was concerned about degrading the compounds cause I allways use different compound in a IM pin wich they all have different melting points wich could lead to different degrades to temps so while I have allways used hot water now that you have brought up the possibilities of contamination do to water mixed with oil an unsanitary areas wich could lead to possible infections has given me a much better outlook
Even knowing after I pull vial out of bowl I dry with paper towel an wipe tops with alc swabs an take a 22g pin to draw and pull needle off throw a 23g on an wipe IM inject area
Using water is fine if you are being safe. I do the same. I wipe bottles down before and after injection. Using a heating pad is a great idea as well, but there is nothing wrong with what your currently doing with your method. I’ve been doing the same method for actually longer than 20 years. (I’m old as fuck in the AAS world ) As long as you keep sterile in environment you will be golden. I have never (knock on wood) had an infection, cysts or any type problem with injection sites.
Yep a have always used water too I warm the barre of my syringe with low trickle of warm water from sink I don’t do the bottle never had any issues I’m still alive and kicking I do wipe everything with alcohol things have came so far from where we used to be
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