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Look up vindicator cam. It will impress you I have sent it in multiple vehicles from naturally aspirated to nitrous to procharged to turbo. We crammed it in a 6.0 and a 5.7 in a c6 flat tops zero deck heads shaved so far intake holes were off. The cam designer Said that it wasn’t gonna work in our engines clearance “clarance”. Well it did. Stock bottom end with flat tops and the above no other work but cam springs and hardened pushrods and ls-7 lifters made 441 RWHP then we crammed a proglcharger on it almost got 650at wheels. It however did not like the boost swelled the block and cracked almost every cylnder I had never seen a block swell like that crazy but the cam survived and went on to another beast almost got 125hp out of it. On a stroker. They may make something better now but that was our go to back in The day. Not one time have I ever been disappointed with the results it produced, the sound, and yet very drivable
Just turned a 6.0 ls. Camaro turbo car to almost 1507 hp had 1148 and we ran out of ecm parameters. Finally got a good one . And put a bigger CAC on her ( got it on a deal) had to take the twin 255 pumps out and put twin 450s rolling pump gas with meth injection. Everyone is pushing for e85 but it’s crap here not to mention we got every damn suspension part you can think of and two bags of quick Crete in the trunk and it still won’t hook up for shit. It did finally beat the track bar through the rear floor hump and once it did it was a lot better guess it needed some more travel. Had to put a chute on it cause it was getting to the point brakes would be glowing and still barely stopped before track does. Im gonna say this anybody that think they want 1000+ hp you don’t. You can’t do crap with it on street fans trust me we tried. Only thing we managed to do was scare the shit outta me, funnest two cars we had was a maybe 550-600 hp nitrous camaro and a Procharged c-6 650 hp that more than enough
I was thinking of of adding a supercharger after the cam. I still have the 5.3 LS I pulled out that I have sitting on a stand. I’ve been slowly tearing it down to rebuild. I’m not sure if I want to build it for something else or keep it to put it in the Yukon while I go through the 6.0 Growing up everyone in the family was Ford fans. I seem to have better luck with the Chevy motors. Which I went to school for Honda’s. I was a rice burner in my younger days. I had a 82 C10 with a 305 HO with built 350 heads. Mild cam. High rise intake. And long headers. I built when I had all my Honda’s and for a quick easy build. It was out running my fastest Honda. So I started learning the Chevy motors. I know I still have a lot to learn. I need a mad genius like you @Outlawthing to help me push the limits on these big V8’s.
You can take that engine right there only thing I would suggest is a HP oil pump and head studs or bolts (ARP) they are probably ok but you need to check your ring gap to be sure lcause that is gonna most likely be what kills it below 650-750 hp most of them I see or .25 anyway wether that’s spec or they wore out I don’t know. Prob why they tolerate boost so well if you wanna do ls7 lifters at least I would at least change them while I was there. Cram an on three turbo kit on it with big fuel pump and injectors and hold the fuck on. I don’t care what heads, intake exhaust you got take that 5.3 don’t know if yours has AFM ON IT I would trash it and delete 650hp all day long put e85 in it or meth injection 750hp all day long, you can get more but it’s a time bomb. I have seen that combo run so many times and for years. I have seen them blow up too:) had one crap on dyno figure i fucked up building it somewhere you could literally bolt a turbo to it the way it sets and prob push it to 550 with meth injection or e85. But what I’m talking about is everyday drive the piss out of it and don’t worry.
We had a Joe dirt camaro that was beat up so we put a bone stock 5.3 in it took manifold and flipped them over welded a t-4 flang on it. Made some really ugly ass free exhaust bought the cheapest 78/80 turbo can’t remember exactly somewhere close took injectors knocked the tops off crammed em back in hole and bigger fuel pump don’t know what it had cause we didn’t care put a base turbo tune in it cause wastegate was so cheap it boost was all over place. That damn thing would scare you. It survived a very harsh 6 month run before spinning a bearing in bottom. End. We prob should have changed oil pump it had like 280,000 miles on it. If you want 800hp good pistons rings rods arp the shit out of it. You want 1000hp above plus cheapest forged crank that holds 1000hp. You wanna go farther I would suggest at least name brand stuff rods pistons. We been using callies but only compstar no dragon slayer we poor in our turbo car at 1148hp for four years and we just bumped it to 1500
And it’s blew up with those parts twice and they were still good. Starved the bearings in bottom (our fault) and head gasket. Guess it’s how much do you wanna spend if you want something that sounds awsome is nasty as hell and everyday driver. Put arp head bolts good oil pump and a good cam with dual springs and hardened pushrods. A good stall converter 4:10 gears and a 125 wet shot on it and you will be the king of the mall parking lot 🙂 fun to drive and cheaper than a turbo/ supercharger. Only bad thing about boost is all the little things they don’t tell you or the kits come with. Good Boost controls good speed density setup good AIR/fuel setup turbos and chargers will nickel and dime you to death. Every time you turn around it wants something. And the suspension parts you would need and the rear ends it will eat and the transmissions it will eat. Ford 9 inch and everyone laugh but manual 700r4 how it’s alive I do not know has billet everything was in the car when we got it so we were like what the hell And when you get into the 800+ realm I would not rely on eBay stuff. Too much at risk too much work you don’t need a turbo cam to run a turbo either that shit is for racing they do work better but they don’t sound good. Like a damn pulp wood truck instead of bad ass car turbo
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I wrote an auto biography haha turbos are a lot wilder than superchargers for sure and different setups I love a good supercharger. Had a kenne bell on my lightning but I have to say turbos if you can control them are capable of more one thing we have noticed about turbos as well is the better turbo you get the more HP. It seems to give at a lower boost. Which means less stress on your engine at same HP I’m gonna have to ask cause I can’t remember but we were at 14+ With the first turbo I will have to get brand. Then when we replaced it with a better built turbo it had same power 8-9 lbs we got it back up to I think 14 again unless he went higher I didn’t go to dyno it’s boring to me
I’m pretty good with turbos. Always been a boost fan. My last build was a SRT-4. I was pushing 21psi on it. I was thinking the supercharger would be easier and less maintenance. I’ve found cheaper turbo kits than I have superchargers. My 92 Civic had ARP headbolts, JE 10:1 pistons and rods. Eagle crank. I had 150 shot on it. There’s nothing like going fast or the sound of horsepower
I tell you the funnest car by far we ever built was just a ls 5.7 in an ss camaro 99” nothing fancy stock bore and stroke but had about had bout 13k in engine alone we built it for one thing a shit load of nitrous and by curious george that’s what we did 250 shot and I mean a welding bottle of nitrous in that bitch. I still got a bottle at house full everyone is like you weld I said not with that it’s nitrous I go fast:) bottle is as tall as me and I’m 6ft . It had my favorite cam that vindicator in it. We hammered that thing for years sold it bought it back hammered it some more sold it again. Bought it back and turned it into a nasty turbo car but never saw more than 800 with it cause we kept running out of fuel. Then old boy had it out with his brother over there dads house and he took it apart and sold it piece by piece to buy his dads house. I cried taking that car apart then I bought a bunch of the parts haha. The only thing we had trouble with was it would randomly shear off the studs on rear wheels they were them big ass thumb busters too there is a video on u tube somewhere of it taking off then the wheel takes off it goes a good ways before it hit the ground. We were like nascar changing them things by the time we figured out what it was doing. It would loosen them just a cunthair over a period of time then ole 250 shot be ripping them apart we started tightening them all the time and no more issue like I said we poor we make it work junkyard style baby. When we take our cars to tuner they like look at this POS then couple of days later they like damn what the hell yall do to it.
There is I wanna say a Subaru up here running around that thing beats the ground and when it takes off all you here is turbo and wastegate. My old boss had one that he done a bunch of stuff too and it surprised me. Two things I will never forget outran my lighting and it was turned wide ass open 8 lb lower 2 lb upper bunch of other shit and a ( they said it couldn’t be done ) 125 dry shot was one of them damn suburu and an old ass one wheel wonder. 80’s model Cheyenne gm pickup it did have a built 502 in it I ran cobras and Saleens all day and would spin the whole time and still be waving at them. My prob is I was more interested in slinging doughnuts 4:10 gear and we packed the clutches so tight the guy doing it bought quit on me said it was bs till he rode in it afterwords made it stay somewhat straight and manageable instead of white line to white line
You realize I can chew your ear off with this stuff. This was my thing before I found something a lot softer and wetter to do. All I cared about was speed three crotch rockets two gsxr’s and a ninja had a old carbureted 600 with a sprocket on the back so big it would break the chain would run very fast but would ride the hell out of a wheelie. I would take the fairings off and be Rufus the stunt bum. My 636 was my favorite had full yoshimura deleted everything even the mirrors. My Motto was don’t look back. Had lightweight aluminum racing sprockets on it which by the way was prob my favorite mod added two teeth to back I never liked shortening the front got shit faced at bike week and left it with a dyno guy who was doing like three pulls for 100$ I told him keep it drive it raise hell with it I will pay whatever but make it fast. I can’t tell you what he did charged my like 300$ said I was stupid but funny cause he heard me hollering all night. I tell you whatever he did woke that damn thing up. Had a gsxr 750 for bought 6 months. And it was worst handling bike I ever rode. It was lazy didn’t wanna come up easy and the front never seemed to be in tune with back always sliding around I took it back a few times and was like something Is screwed on this thing. Guess it wasn’t for me so I traded for the 1000, and realized death was around the corner
Riding wheelies on the interstate at 130 and up in the mountains going around the curves it would pick front tire up. Spin the damn back tire in a curve if you gave it too much and you could be barely gettting on it and get to a curve and realize you were going way to fast to make it but hardly had throttle turned. I do t know what a busa or 1400 Kawasaki is for but not for me. I ended up hitting a tractor and trailer in the ass on an off ramp one day so hard it cracked my helmet and guy got out of truck cause he felt it. That one kinda hurt to be honest. Guy was like man what do we need to do? I was like help me pick this up im getting out of here for police come. Had them big donkey dick frame sliders on it and I will say I was impressed scratched bottom of fairing a little cracked a small piece you couldn’t see ( or was already broke when I ran over a skunk at like a buck twenty ) thought that it was the end. Kinda wish is was cause scraping skunk out of a bike no fun. My bike days were officially over after my was saw me ride a wheelie and left her in the dust and she was in pro charged c6. Hell I can’t see good anymore couldnt do it if I wanted to now. Plus once I became a firefighter and scraped a few bodies up at bike wrecks mmm I’m Good I’m sure something far more interesting like cancer or heart attack will kill me
I’ve been faster in cars than on a bike. I had a few bikes myself. Favorite was 07 GSR 750. Changed the rear sprocket, K&N Intake, Yoshimuri exhaust, and had the stage 3 Ghost commander. Had my lid cracked, zooming one day, wind caught my lid. Jerked it up. I got to wobbling. When I looked I was running 167. I had to pull over, smoke a blunt, and went back home. Sold it about two weeks later.
Had a few crap situations mostly my fault picking rocks out yer hands in tub road rash. Ankle, wrist I can’t see good anymore and it’s not worth it for me to ride cause I wanna haul asspostrophes. Now I helped put 4 fosgate spl 6.5 in my buddies bike with tweets and amp guy wired it for him looked like a rat nest. The air ride was t stable and had it all on battery power kept killing batteries
Well I just bought a 2013 2ss bone stock it will however sling the shit out of doughnuts. Which is my thing. got some plans for it gear, stall, cam and if all else fails pro charger or magnuson my dang Tahoe won’t stay running long enough to put one on. 11500 miles and they have replaced lifters three times now and it’s intermittently tapping again I named her “old tappy” I hit lemon law but hell I’m Gonna ride this bitch out I’m committed at this point.
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