Evidently it’s both. All I could find out is that it’s a new designer steroid and it’s insane expensive. Found it on some random site. Sparked my curiosity
IF they dont tell you what it is, i would never use it. By a complete guess i would say trestolone mixed with something. Since it says 50-100mg per day, and 10-12kg weight increase, and massive aromatization.
Just guessing though it might be a new compound never used before.
I found this by googling it, this is from another site selling the same product
Product Description
ALPHALONE 100mg per 1ml.
Chemical Name
High confidential blend of some of the leading anabolic chemicals reserved only for top end athletes – not ever made available to the public until now. Contains all fast acting esters.
Alphalone is as much as 20 times more potent than Testosterone and as much as 10 times more powerful than TREN! Users can experience huge increases in mental clarity, fullness, pumps and surpass all previous personal best lifts in the gym as well as huge increases in lean muscle mass and vascularity. Alphalone is a top secret blend of four of the strongest anabolic compounds not available to the public and often reserved for high end Olympic/professional athletes. Gentech has finally been able to blend the perfect proportion of these chemicals together to enable users anabolic growth like they have never experienced before.
Active Life
2/3 days.
Detection Time
After a period of 1 month, all traces of Alphalone will be out of your system for purposes of drug testing – urine/blood samples.
Average Dose
50mg-100mg daily or every other day.
Goes well with
Alphalone can aromatize greatly – so a strong AI (Aromain or Arimidex) is a must while running this compound. Other than that, perhaps a testosterone base and oral such as Anavar would be an amazing stack. HCG weekly highly recommended to prevent major shut down.
Expected weight / muscle gain
10-12kg after 6 weeks. Massive lean muscle and strength gains – more so than anything else available on the market – oral or injectable.
How fast to notice changes
As fast as a few days from beginning your Alphalone you would begin to notice and feel immediate changes. A 4-6 week cycle of this incorporated into your cycle would yield immense results better than anything else you can buy on the market. All personal best lifts should be beaten after using Alphalone.
Side effects
Surprisingly our blend of compounds in Alphalone, although 10-20 times stronger than other injectables, actually have less side effects than most. However, users can experience a massive shut down of their natural test so a constant intake of HCG weekly is highly recommended.
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