Androgen receptors: upregulate or downregulate?

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ICU nurse/Moderator
As the title suggests… there’s a lot of conflicting info out there. There’s a lot of talk of “clearing receptor sites” and there’s two camps:

Receptors upregulate: from my understanding, when you have more androgens binding to receptors the body makes more receptors available.

Receptors downregulate: once a car (androgen) is in the parking spot (site) it’s not available any longer and you’re gonna need more and more AAS to illicit response.

The receptor site is a door, the binding acts a key that allows signals to be sent to the cell to do its job.

Personally… I don’t know what’s right. I’m looking for any scholarly articles that show inclination to one or
The other.

If downregulation is in fact what happens, why don’t people need more and more testosterone for effective HRT?

If I’m way off, or there’s a definitive answer out there, lemme know!
Interesting topic wonder what made you think of this. I’m interested as well caue im considering a fil break the 4 weeks leading into ment run
Man… I’ve been reading on this since the beginning. @Dirtnasty and I just talked about it. I spent 15 min reading on it and was just as confused as always.
Probably no definitive answer… one of those things that there’s studies on both sides that say the other is wrong.
NO. Hhaha I hate this topic for that reason. Every time I find a great study, I find one saying the opposite.
I guess as far as hrt… you’d have to find a man in his 70’s that’s been on dr prescribed hrt of the exact same dose since his 50’s with mo significant health or diet changes… multiply that by let’s say 10k to get a good cross section of adult males.
Yep like you have some swear by it then you have all. The middle eastern guys who run eq year round and they seem to not have issues adding mass
I guess regional diet/lifestyle would have to be taken into consideration. It would be an epic study.
There’s a 60 minute episode I remember ( just found it again on you tube) living into your 90s. A university found a retirement community with 14000 records dating back to 1980 something and scrubbed every last one of them to the folks living today and the ones dead. It was huge. They found many in their 90s and broke down all the habits. These folks were all extremely healthy and active. Great study.

That’s what I’m talking about for aas.
You would have to pull every pro bb’s medical records and drill down to exact compounds for the last 20 uears or so to get a good study.
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