Anybody have a recommendation on body fat caliper


Well-known member
I bought a body fat caliper off amazon for a fairly low price (digital). I had my wife help me use it a few times now and have done it all over and I know it is completely inaccurate (keeps coming back with me at or around 3 - 4 %, and I know I’m not that low)… so id like to know what you guys at UGM would recommend, preferably from amazon?
Honestly those are junk. if you have a place near you that does water tank measurements that’s the most accurate one. Don’t workout then use caliper either that will throw reading way off
Check around at your local gyms or supplement stores. Many have body composition analyzers . Calipers ain’t accurate at all.

The important thing is to use the same procedure each and every time to accurately measure progress when using the body composition analyzers.

The mirror doesn’t lie if nothing else.
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I dont see a purpose in measuring bodyfat. Its all about appearance anyway. If your fat with no abs your fat. Simple to see in the mirror. You dont need a caliper to tell you how fat you are.

If you have abs and ok with it then great. If you want to diet for a show thatll take time and judged on appearance anyway not what your bodyfat % is.
Thanks guys. @PHD I’m gonna check out the water tank idea. I have heard about that before.
@Bigmurph i’ve heard that the online calculator just use an average + or - based on basic info like age and weight. I guess that could be close but still going to be inaccurate. I do see everybody’s point about BF%, and I don’t need it to be on point just as a good reference point in progress for the future
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There are some nice calipers and if you get someone who is good at doing it, it’s an accurate way to measure. I’ve done many Skin fold tests on my clients and I’ve always been within 1-2 % of hydrostatic weighing.

However, the gold standard for BF measurement is a DEXA scan

There is a +or- 4% error for caliper testing
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Hey bro, I was lucky enough that we had one where I went to collage and it was free for me when I went. They opened it up to the public as well and I believe they were charging 100$ for 3 scans, which is very cheap! This was 8 years ago though.

You are correct, not many places have one and they are usually expensive.
Yeah it’s not that big of a deal for me that I need to go drop $100 on that. I’ll look into it further and see if the college I live next to has something but I’d rather spend that $100 on an extra blood draw. But i’l look into thanks bro