Anyone have a twitter account?

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Staff member
I got one a couple months ago to see what’s the deal. HOLY SHIT. What a giant purple hair, nose pierced, SJW fucking dumpster fire of basement dwellers… I sometimes wish I mean really wish I could have a sit down with some of these fucking asshats… it’s crazy. If you want some entertainment , read through some of the responses:joy:😂😁
I got my other phone I use for social media with fake names and profiles. Helps when need to find out some info. Twitter is great way to get news if you follow the right people. But a lot of bots and the algorithm on Twitter is to get people riled up.

So they show comments you disagree with often even if its not popular to bait you to engage with them back and forth.
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Interesting… that makes perfect sense now. I was looking at the news feed and thinking “Is everyone a basement dweller?” I’m going to start agreeing with some articles and see if it changes the news feed. Thanks for the input. I’ll start looking for more information pieces and not so much the personal BS posted.
I’ll download it. My kids have it. They post clips all the time on FB
No FB, Twitter, Insta, Snap, or whatever else exists out there. I have zero social media any longer and am happy as hell about it. This is as close to Social Media as I get…
I have FB and Twitter. FB because I have a immediate contact with most of those I have served with or supported. Twitter most recently because I was curious how much the prez actually tweeted.
TBU said:
I was curious how much the prez actually tweeted.
Lol he doesn’t fuck around on twitter. Calls everyone out. I love Twitter for news and politics.

Example is this right here thats relevant. What the Democrats are demanding from the stimulus for citizens during coronavirus. A lot of shit that has nothing to do with coronavirus and the news trys to hide shit all the time.

Right after they slammed it. New York times posted this.

Then hour later changed title.


Then hour later changed again lol

Meantime people are getting laid off. Broke. No food. But hey the Congress and Senate still gets paid. And tomorrow Chuck and Nancy will still be millionaires off their govt corruption regardless of what happens to the people.
I don’t have any social media, my wife has a Facebook set up for both of us, but I have no desire to log into it nor do I know how. All three of our daughters have TikTok, Snapchats, twitters, facebook and anything else I’m sure there is… I would imagine I would be greatly disgraced to see what any of the three of them post on any of that shit, so it’s probably better that I don’t have it and don’t know… I would however like to be able to follow the POTUS on some of his twitter rants.
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