My body generates a ton of E2 naturally. I am almost above the normal limit without even any TRT. With TRT, I shoot up into the 40s of E2 (measured by the sensitive assay, which is always a little higher than the non-sensitive), and so long as I stay there, I’m great. But when I go to higher doses, my E2 goes into the 90s, and that is great in every respect EXCEPT by nips get puffy and my natural gyno puffs up. I can’t stand that aesthetically, so I do .5mg Adex 2/week during most cycles. On my last cycle with Trestolone a/k/a MENT, I lost control of my E2 towards the end, shooting up well above 100, when I was tapering down and had to double my Adex to get it down, which had the usual horrible effects. So I’m now a little more cautious than I used to be about high doses, particularly of the Nor19 variety. I think protocols involving only test (prop and e), mast (prop and e), and HGH are in my future.