SB Labs

Anyone not have to take anti estrogen like at all

I’ve never had high e of any sort. Never used ancillaries for it. Then again I’ve only ran a gram of test a week for a very short time. Nothing like what you’ve described.

Your hitting on all cylinders brother.

I was always extremely lean when using high test also.
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I have to use an AI when over 500mg test, when I was on a lot of stuff including 1250mg test, my estrogen with 1.25mg letro EOD was 65. I liked that estrogen level. Im not sure what my estrogen is right know according to a lab test, but it feels good im on 150mg test e cruise for a while longer.
I love mid sixties estro. Feel like a king and horny AF all the time. I needed AI before just running 250 per week test but was more fat then curious to see now that my bf is down considerably how mu estro would be
Haven’t run dosages as high as that, but since reaching my late 30s, early 40s, for some reason my estrogen is always suppressed. This can be a good thing, but too low results in libido issues. I’m currently trying to find that sweet spot. In general if taking anything it is simply test or a combination of various test esters. Though had great results in the past, EQ and NPP tend to make the issue worse. Sending in a blood test shortly with just taking Test C at 500 mg.
So I’m
Thinking about going as long as I can with no ai juat to see what benefits I get in gym. The more I’ve
Dug into pl cycles less I see them
Using ai’s as water retention is actually wanted. Some say it helps tremendously with joints handling heavy weights
My body generates a ton of E2 naturally. I am almost above the normal limit without even any TRT. With TRT, I shoot up into the 40s of E2 (measured by the sensitive assay, which is always a little higher than the non-sensitive), and so long as I stay there, I’m great. But when I go to higher doses, my E2 goes into the 90s, and that is great in every respect EXCEPT by nips get puffy and my natural gyno puffs up. I can’t stand that aesthetically, so I do .5mg Adex 2/week during most cycles. On my last cycle with Trestolone a/k/a MENT, I lost control of my E2 towards the end, shooting up well above 100, when I was tapering down and had to double my Adex to get it down, which had the usual horrible effects. So I’m now a little more cautious than I used to be about high doses, particularly of the Nor19 variety. I think protocols involving only test (prop and e), mast (prop and e), and HGH are in my future.