Good day everyone!
32 years old, 5’11", 205lb. Lifting since I was a kid, enhanced for about 6 years now. Looking forward to chatting with you fellas. Currently cruising testosterone at 175mg/week, HGC.
I don’t max out anymore. I just can not risk the injury because it could effect my livelihood, but for reference,
Bench: 315lb x 3
Squat: 405lb x 6
1.5mile: 9min
Cool seeing some other military veterans on here as well. Look forward to the chats.
32 years old, 5’11", 205lb. Lifting since I was a kid, enhanced for about 6 years now. Looking forward to chatting with you fellas. Currently cruising testosterone at 175mg/week, HGC.
I don’t max out anymore. I just can not risk the injury because it could effect my livelihood, but for reference,
Bench: 315lb x 3
Squat: 405lb x 6
1.5mile: 9min
Cool seeing some other military veterans on here as well. Look forward to the chats.