April 20 edition of diets n training

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@Poppy I put on about 4 lbs since I started cycle a few weeks ago (started at about 192) using 300 Npp,300 test, proviron…I’m happy I put some on quickly,which is usually hard for me,but for some reason the Npp is filling/rounding me out more then normal (usually use deca) even been feeling bloated which isn’t normal either.im contemplating changing my cycle which I never do in the middle of a cycle,thinking about switching to Mast which always treats me nice.At the rate I’m going I will be 200 in a couple weeks.Im not use to the round, filled look,I’m use to the ripped look…what do you think? Problem is if I stay with the Npp I will surpass my highest weight ever,sounds outfuckingstanding right,but I’m thinking it will be a lot a water weight,and who the fuck wants that…
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Two pancakes with my mass gainer added to the batter for extra protein, carbs, and calories. Second Breakfast was 4 fried eggs. @John I loved NPP the one time I tried it. Just didn’t like all the pinning at the time. NPP for me was like a mild run of Tren. Tren and NPP have been my two favorites.
Same old boring diet today:
-Two meals of 1/2Lb extra lean ground turkey breast and half cup (uncooked weight) basmati rice.
  • 4 protein/oat shakes(syntha-6 EDGE)
  • 4 fish oil caps
  • 2 vitamin/mineral/fruit and veggies tablets
Workout will be all giant sets of delts/traps, biceps, and triceps.
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