Are Bodybuilders Athletes?

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Tupperware tittys… calves…pecs… why not? Hahaha

All this stuff including peds is so deep into everything… too far gone.

Face lift nose jobs lyposuction…etc etc. hahaha I like it. Humans are a curious animal no doubt. I’ve always assumed they’re here for my entertainment.
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I wish they could completely replace the bones with titanium. I would try that. Remove that shit and put an unbreakable piece of metal in there I can go beat someone with 😆
Every body builder at the pro level has an off season. Synthol is the equivalent to implants.

lol actually just read TG’s comments.

Bodybuilders are impressive. Their commitment, pursuit of excellence, the discipline, etc but it’s still the same basic requirements to win a a beauty pageant.

Since I know now that that logic behind calling beauty pageant girls athletes isn’t your own- that’s honestly some of the worst logic I’ve ever heard and falls apart about two steps down the road.
TG said:
Training and not competing is just a hobby lol.
This! Hahaha if you just work out a lot and don’t comepete it is in fact a hobby. And you fall into the same category as a pine car derby enthusiast- you have a hobby.
I got a synthol one for ya… Probably the best yet …
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