SB Labs

Arimadex and nolva together

Hey everyone, i’m runnin adex as my ai right now and need to add in a serm, I have nolva on hand for my pct but I read on reddit(not sure how reliable it is)that it shouldn’t be used on cycle with adex, does anyone else know about this? should I get some clomid instead? Does anyone know or have experience about running adex/nolva together and whether or not its dangerous?
False. Completely fine to use together. That igf decrease stuff is non sense. Used together Myself.

May I ask why you are needing both? Are you on pct now? Signs of gyno?
On test only right now, but I do have slight pubertal gyno and I feel my nipples getting sore lately. I’m going to get bloods in a couple weeks but I want to make sure if I need to add in a serm I wanted to know I can use my nolva with my adex. Thanks for the answer,Put a relief on my mind and wallet haha