Aromatase Inhibitor Protocol & Bloodwork Frequency

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Hey guys, I’m curious how you go about dialing in your desired Estrogen levels. Let’s say you need to use an AI, but you aren’t sure what the proper dosage is going to be for you. Assuming you know what your E levels currently are, or have a good idea from previous bloods, where do you start? Do you need to go low dose once a week, get bloods done and titrate up, testing bloods with each increase?

Let’s say you believe you should start with 12.5 mgs Aromasin every other day, how long do you follow the protocol before you get your bloodwork done? Does it matter when you get your bloods done in relation to your last dose of AI? I realize some of these answers will be dose dependent, but I’m basically looking for general best practices as well as individuals preferred methodology.

Thank you in advance for any insights

(@Bigmurph if this info is already easily available in a different post you’re aware of, I’ll delete this one no problem. I just couldn’t find what I was looking for with a quick search)
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Purely hypothetical,
IF, you knew where your levels were when you felt your over all best would be a good target. After that I would want to know what my body did on a test only cycle of 500mg. Per wk. At around week 3 of the cycle. And when having very high test levels while on the test cycle remember that estrogen is a component in muscle building as well, and off cycle your ideal number will be lower than on cycle.
Meaning you can let that estrogen run 20 40 60 pts higher without any noticeable negative sides. Its the ratio of test to estro that makes the well-being for me
Also things like gyno don’t jump on you suddenly which seems to be a major focus. Knowing your body is the most important thing to self treatment with an a.i. and bloods are the only way. You can study high and low symptoms of high estrogen on this site and try to be keenly aware when shit creeps in, but just know they mirror each other alot.
My personal experience is high estro is safer and easier to treat than tanking it with too much a.i.

But with no more info than that I’d wing it and get bloods at wk3 or later and get back on here
Always start small. If I were on say 400-500mg of test only 12.5 mg 2x a week would be a great place to start. If pinning Mon and Thur you could take aromasin tues/Friday and after maybe 2 weeks have bloods drawn on Mon BEFORE you pin. And keep in mind everyone my feel different with their e2 in different ranges. Some people feel great even when their e2 is 80 and some have to keep it in the 20-40 range. Like said ^^^ the ratio alof total Test to e2 i think is important too. Also, the way you respond to AIs can be different too. For me, aromasin takes longer to notice a difference even through the literature say it does
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Definitely labs before starting a run, then labs as soon as the estered compound you’re running will be having effects on your Hormones. And frequently testing until you know exactly what your body is going to do.
If you want to see how a certain dosage of AI effects your estrogen levels, how long do you run it before getting blood tested again, and when do you get blood drawn in relation to last dose of AI? (Meaning if you take AI every other day for example, do you get blood tested on a day you took it, or not? And does that matter in your opinion?)
There more experienced people than me that would probably know the correct answer to that, but I take 1mg twice weekly of Adex on cycle, and .5mg twice weekly on TRT between cycles. I do the labs the day after taking the Adex. Half life of Adex I believe is 3 days or so, so I would think to wait a week and a half to see its full effect. But like I said, there are way more qualified people to answer that question :+1:t2:

This is a pretty handy chart, might need to open on a desktop computer to see it as alot of info on it.
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