SB Labs

3 loggers needed ASAP for BULK SEASON! @ PSL.. Do you wanna log and run some gearz? Lets talk

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Apologies for the delayed response. Work has been super busy today

I haven’t had the chance to hear from Vision who specifically among you fine gentlemen is doing the logs.

For now i would take it as if you had already emailed him and talked to him in private about it then you are one of the three :slight_smile

He is a super busy guy but he is also VERY on top of things generally despite his large work load so i am sure he can clear up any confusion as soon as he gets a free minute.

Please keep in mind he stated for you to not include any personal information in the email. Just your screen name here on the forum and your email address (secure email providers only please 🙏 )
First and foremost how is everybody? How is everybody’s weekend?

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend, let’s start this week off on fire and let’s get things up and going…

Cluster and thunder have both emailed me, we are going to get both of these 2 fine gentlemen all set up.
We have just a few more details to work out with them but other than that.

That one’s a beefy one for sure. That will literally put diameters all the way around each muscle belly from head to toe. 👌
I’m back I’m back…
That was a rough one closing out last week…
I’m here gentleman. Let’s all press forward, let’s make some things happen.

Sending out good vibes, good energy in every direction.
Brother, now I believe I can speak on behalf of everyone that is reading, or who will read this, we all wish and pray for him to have a healthy speedy recovery.
Keep your chin up, just know that you now have not just a team, but in a tire allegiance, a whole coalition with this entire network backing you up and supporting you, and cheering for you with your upcoming log.
Right when life falls down in some areas, we will scoop right in and pick you up and help you go in the direction in which you need to be. We got you!
That’s a very good dosage and very good timing.
Man I’m glad you’re feeling better brother. 👌👍

Keep pressing forward, and keep making it happen…

Keep on manufacturing the good stuff, good vibes and energy… 🙏
We got Mr mossy, we got Mr cluster, last but not least we got Mr thunder…
Triple threat, The Dynamite trio…
These gentlemen have some pretty unique cycles customized for their goals.

We are all super excited…

There’s no pressure put on these gentlemen, these gentlemen can work at their own speed that their lives allow them… 👍💯
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