SB Labs

3 loggers needed ASAP for BULK SEASON! @ PSL.. Do you wanna log and run some gearz? Lets talk

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I’m trailing right behind you boys here, sitting at 46.
Hopefully I can stay 46 for the next couple years, I have a really good lawyer, so I’m confident that we can pull it off. I broken mirror once and he got me out of doing 7 years hard time of bad luck, it was downgraded to a warning with cleaning up the mess… 👍💯
I meet almost none of your criteria except the experience part. I’m pretty much the exact opposite as far as posting as what you’re looking for. All that said, I’m in. Lol. Just tell me what I’d need to do.
In the oldest of 4,3 sisters…my dad has 3 sisters,my mom had 3 sisters, mostly women in my family,9 nieces 4 nephews…what the fuck
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