Everything that I think is wrong, it appears it can get worse. I just never was a big gratitude guy, always measuring myself to others imatation of life. Each of us has to put our head on the pillow and hopefully without regrets or disdain for our fellow persons. Stay tuned…I’m getting off the bike and gonna train, keep it fun. @Poppy, NeuroRN, TG, the new sponsors all this week as I read shit but I didn’t know how to workout. Ahhh, my job sucks…but I do ok for a meathead. I think I finally remembered my age for ME. 54? I finally accepted I’m not gonna turn pro in some sport or ninja show!!!. I was in the ED at a top or I thought was because I fell again walking the (sorry,best friend ever) DOG! I felt the ED would at worst get me a referral and maybe say what you have is PAD, nerve impingement, just something. Most can guess how that went. No DVT, my simple bloods are still good
No shitty neuro checks, nothing. No doctor just " can you walk for me?’
No shitty neuro checks, nothing. No doctor just " can you walk for me?’