SB Labs

Aspirin and “bro-science”

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Military Vet
I’ve read so much already on this site I have forgotten some of the folks I’ve had discussions with.

I had brought up the suggestion that my surgeon had given me (and a study i read) about taking 2 aspirin a day for bigger guys over 200 pounds.

I’m not due any labs for another month or so BUT… I did smash by finger at an odd angle with a framing hammer and it bled like never before. Other than a couple good scalp splitting incidents, I’ve never been a big bleeder…tatts, gun shots etc.

I don’t know if it’s from the two aspirin a day plus regular blood donations and lots of water and just cruising on a trt or just hit it just right but it was very fluid and runny not like any other time before. Took forever to clot.
It is and if it’s as it seems then that’s good news for me. I’m older and completely in the heart attack stroke window. Not scientific evidence by no means.
It’s certainly the aspirin. I’d drop back to one 81mg aspirin a day. I’ve worked in post-op open heart surgery, post cardiac cath, surgical, neurosurgical, and post stroke ICU’s- it’s rare I see anyone getting more than 81mg for anticoagulant reasons.

It’s not bro science. Aspirin interrupts the clotting cascade. Which is why we only use 81mg.
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Aspirin is not bro science. If you call in and say you think you’re having a heart attack they will tell you to take a 325 mg aspirin. My doc put me on 81mg of aspirin a day to thin my blood. I just recently started 2 81mg a day after you or someone said over 200 pounds should. Of course I jumped on DuckDuckGo and read up and there is quite a bit of data on that. So yes aspirin thins the blood along with higher water intake. And old fucks like me on a cycle can use the help. 😂. Also helps if you have headaches a lot. 😂
I realize aspirin and thinning of the blood is not bro science… I was speculating on the 2 a day recommendation and my smashed finger. My doc put me on the same thing. Even on one a day I would rarely bleed so it was something unusual for me.

It was me that was discussing the 2@ day.
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I take 81 mg a day ever since a month before my hip replacement. It was was to help prevent DVT/PE while I was inactive after surgery, but a habit I’ve kept up since. Heart issues run in my family, and even though I have type O blood, I’d like to stay on top of things
I have found myself very interested in the study of blood types and the roles it plays in health, and even sleep patterns
That sir I do not know. Me personally, bp has been good prior to and after daily aspirin. Basically hasn’t changed over the years. On cycle or cruising.
Basic physics would indicate thicker blood would cause higher blood pressure, just as thicker oil facilitates higher oil pressure in an engine. But I’m no doctor.
There have also been studies that show that if you come off aspirin after being on it for a few months, your risk of heart attack/clot/stroke is way higher than it was initially. Your body grows to depend on it, so if you get on it, stay on. That said, if you miss a couple days here or there, you’re not gonna die right away
81mg baby Aspirin is usual for adult cardiovascular prophylaxis and 325mg (enteric coated) is usually the maximum recommended dosage.
Have you ever had a CBC (Complete blood count)? Platelets are included in this test and normal is 150k-400 or 450k. Mine run barely at 150 so me taking meds like Toradol are not a great idea. I keep some on hand (injectable) because if you wrench your neck or back one shot knocks the snot out of the pain and inflamation and it is not an opioid.
Not sure I have since an intro from you yet. You seem to have knowledge maybe I’ve just missed
@EL-PEZIDENTE yes sir. Im single digit midget in months to my 60th…I’ve been seeing same arguably the best doc around here for almost 3 decades. He is very thorough and well aware of my gear usage along with many other very bad “decisions”. I have gotten labs every 3 months for 10 years now. Ekg 1@ year etc etc. i have very good insurance. Overall my health is stellar…my a1c is my bane. I’m buckeling down for a blast (ish) cycle this spring/summer…age appropriate of course. I’m my own worst enemy with my sugar. My docs wife just died and he is old so that is up in the air.
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