SB Labs

Awfully quiet it was this is our talking post since

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Beautiful area. So sorry about your loss. Particularly tragic when this happens immediately following or just before retirement. A couple of years ago, one of our lead rainmakers bought a huge farm in the country and told our management he was going to retire at year end because he “was not going to die at his desk like so many other lawyers do.” A week later, he had a heart attack and died at his desk. 60 years old.
Wow… I thought that was just gov employees! Hahaha

A large percentage of gov employees don’t make it past one year into retirement.

That was my goal… make it past a year.
I always promised myself that at 55, I’d retire and just build engines and have fun with my wife and kids. But responsibilities just seem to multiply with one’s income, trapping you further and further. Having a wife eleven years my junior also means that she is not in the same place in life, so downsizing and living the life of a retiree is not attractive to her yet. So now, I’m shooting for 60, but I suspect it will be 65. If I all of a sudden disappear from the board, you’ll know my desk did me in!
herrubermensch said:
you’ll know my desk did me in!
Although that’s hilarious… it’s not funny.

There’s plenty of folks that are working later. Why retire if you like what you’re doing and you remain on good terms around there. Going back to work was a good move for me personally for a few reasons.
Just looked at the news. There’s a story about your buddy. Township 7 brices creek just outside new bern.

Said he was a volunteer FF responding to a call.

Good lord.

I will not post the link out of respect for you and your buddy.

I will if you say so.
@John I have been on the working on my biggest commercial painting project to date at just over 100,000 sqft for the last 6 weeks. It’s on a mega church here in my state. It’s definitely had its ups and downs but it’s coming to an end and I’m about to get PAID.
I’m just thankful to be doing something I love they give me monies to do it
That’s a lot of paint,I enjoy painting so does my dad, it actually kinda centers me sometimes being so focus on cutting in or doin trim,I will find myself not thinkin about life shit, when I’m zeroed in on work…and like you said getting paid to do something you enjoy.
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