Best Anavar in the UK


New member

My name is Matt and I am new to the site.

Maybe 10 years ago I did a couple of cycles of sustanon 250 but I haven’t done anything since.
I have moved to the middle of the countryside and do not know anyone.
The gym is a bit pretentious and no one their that I could make friends with and source things through.

I am going to do a 8 week only cycle on oral Anavar but really am not sure where to purchase from.

Please advise!!!

I was originally looking at steriods–uk…com and the Anavar is SIS Labs or Pharmacom.
Looking further into both the reviews for both Labs were rubbish.

Could someone please point me in the right direction?!

Thank you your help is very much appreciated.

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First off thanks for the quick intro and welcome brotha. Do a little research with the sponsors that are provided here. They all are verified by UGM, that should at least put your mind at ease knowing there G2G. Also idk your experience with AAS but I really don’t recommend doing an oral only cycle
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Hi Raphael,

Like I said tbh mate not much. I ran a couple of shirt cycles in my early 20’s.
I am now 36.
I’m 6ft 1 and weigh just over 14stone.
General body shape is good.
Basically 2 years ago I had an accident at work… I was a builder and nearly lost my hand.
Had 200kg weight dropped on it. Still have the hand luckily but cant move my thumb and have alot of hand muscle removed.
Before that I was in great shape.
I’ve never been huge but dont want to be. Always been muscular and athletic.

I have only been able to be back in the gym after rehab for the last 4 months. As you can imagine 2 years with no gym was torture.
I’m doing well in the gym and starting to really fo hard each session. I rest properly in between and my diet if I’m honest is probably at about 70% on point.
I now work in an office and have a 5 month old son so you know how it is…

All I am looking to achieve is to bring out some more definition and drop a little weight. Adding some extra lean muscle is a bonus obviously as I would use the cycle to really start pushing my legs.

After doing some research I was going to do 8 weeks on 40mg Anavar a day split in to 2 doses and clomephene citrate as a PCT for 30 days after 50mg twice a day.

This to me looked like the best option…
But I always welcome being educated by people if their is better options etc.
What are your thoughts on my potential cycle?

Again any pointers are appreciated.

progreen said:
All I am looking to achieve is to bring out some more definition and drop a little weight. Adding some extra lean muscle is a bonus obviously as I would use the cycle to really start pushing my legs.
Now from what your trying to achieve brotha it can be easily done with proper diet and training. Now I understand if you really have your heart set out trying out PED. My first recommendation is to get baseline blood work done before you start anything. This will tell you where to begin at. As for an oral only stack the only time that should be used is in the very last stages of a contest prep. Anavar being a very mild steroid it will still suppress your natural testosterone production which can lead to many more problems in the long run. A good rule of thumb to follow is having exogenous testosterone as your base always. Being that your just starting out your first cycle it should be a test only cycle. Either test cypionate or enanthate at a reasonable dose of say 400mg a week. Now this is all depending if your blood work checks out ok. Starting out with test only cycle, you can see how you respond to AAS. As you go along then you start introducing 1 compound at a time with still test being your base. This is how you will see what individual steroids do for you.
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Hey Raphael,

Thanks mate honestly glad I found this forum you’ve been so helpful.
Since your above message I’ve looked into it more and yeah now reflecting, an Oral Anavar only cycle is fucking ridiculous.

I think I am going to get my diet up from 70% on point, to around the 90% mark.
Then maybe put in a an extra cardio session a week and give it 6 months and then see where I am it towards my goal.

This point and age in my life I am still keen to run a cycle but I think I need to educate myself alot more first and work out my true long term goals!

Thanks :facepunch:
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