Best gear for cutting weight

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I have no experience with it but I hear guys on here talking about using clen along with a healthy diet and getting good results.

@Dirtnasty has done a tremendous job leaning out. I’ve seen his before and after pictures and he looks like a totally different guy now. He may have some pointers.
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I’m right there with you.
I should have been clear that this question is for my best friend. We both workout and he is much heavier than I am. He was just looking for something that would accelerate the process.
There is clen Eca and t3. I’m not sure I would recommend t3 as I came off recently and I feel that maybe part of why I have rebounded on weight gain
If your in real shitty shape heart wise like seriously over weight clen can kill you. I wouldn’t mess with clen unless I was in good cardiovascular shape. I think it’s more of an athletes drug. And from what I understand you don’t want to do serious cardio when your on clen.
I would say if he hasn’t used testosterone before have his levels checked. Just having high average test levels gives me energy motivation and confidence. Trying to get into shape with low test levels is almost impossible.
Check out a podcast or Facebook group by rob greene called keto for bodybuilders. I currently have him as my coach and he is a tremendous help. It’s not your normal keto diet either.

But carbs and insulin resistance are probably a huge factor and you should have a coach help with that. Having somebody hold you accountable and give you a program where you see results within first couple weeks will really help. Well worth the investment.
@Papa_Bear_1970 as it will always be stated anywhere you read diet and excercise is a crucial piece of health especially weight loss.

No drugs will ever make up from those two and people that try and peddle that are eother misinformed or looking tk take advantage of your wallet.

For starters i would suggest upping your meal frequency every 2-3 hours having a meal or shake/snack. From there cardio at 45 mins 4 times a week. This will start the progress of your journey.

I would also love to see full panel blood work done so we can take a deeper dive aside from your test levels at your full body health levels. This will really help alot dialing you in.

All the best and alot of support here and its making the right progress which we will all help you with.
Thanks, that’s what I told him. I didn’t make the situation clear and a lot of guys on here seemed to think I was just looking for gear as a panacea for weight loss . All I was wondering is what gear might accelerate his weight loss presuming he is going to working out 5 days a week and severely restrict his carbs.
Anyway, thanks for the feedback, it’s great to know I have a forum for questions.
Your welcome brother. Guys here are hardcore about reality and harm reduction. You’d be surprised how often someone wants a magic pill that’s gonna change everything. Hell I use to want that.

You do have a forum here for asking questions. Also one for support and having fun. I’d like to see your buddy make an intro then start a log with weekly updates. It helps a lot to have a crowd of likeminded people holding you accountable and encouraging you!!!
Nothing will replace diet weigh your portions eat several meals per day water only T3 clen and such are fat burners I tried them years ago and didn’t see the advantage what little weight is gone vs the sides I may get ate up for saying this but my experience has taught me that test and eq can speed the process up with less sides but you have to have the diet on lock down portion control macros and calories then do cardio ( yes it sucks ) and adjust your weight training to a higher rep with less rest
I have lost 25 lbs doing this and eating 3500 calories a day and as my cardio got insane 15 miles a week I ended up at 5000 and could hold weight of 215 but I wouldn’t touch food unless I cooked it or read what was in it and there was no junk I let myself have 1 cheat day a week after the first month but it wasn’t free grazing I just ate normal that day which usually made my tummy hurt and I wanted my food back
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