Best YouTube Channel on Peds?

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If you don’t watch a lot of YouTube no prob, but anyone have any recommendations? Recently started watching “more Plates more dates” and he seems extremely knowledgeable about gear use.
Highly recommended checking this guy out.

Now for entertainment purposes I’ve watched a bit of Seth feroce and Greg doucette. Obviously not a lot of people are open about their use.
I watch soMe you tube stuff here and there but honestly I trust myself and my experiences more the problem I see is one person says do this the next says don’t do it I’m sure there are soMe good ones
But @Optumpharma is prob better than anyone on utube remember they get paid for views and what gets more views than controversy
Mpmd is pretty good at just giving the goods. I liked greg when it was more about education on how to do this hs than now which all the calling out other channels but like they said got to get them clicks
I cannot recommend the steroids podcast or Dan the bodybuilder from Thailand. He has a podcast and you tube channel.
I would love to offer videos to watch that would offer some knowledge.

But, the knowledge i have obtained is through text books and using live test subjects to prove a theory or hypothesis. Most of what i have come across is guys telling others that they are on 7 compounds, 4 peptides and all of these OTC supplements. When in reality i have built tremendous athletes when understanding cellular chemistry and how to use compounds to manipulate the body for cellular growth.

But if you would like to open a book i can help on alot of levels of understanding or if you would like to post a question i would be happy to help any way.

Best my friend!
There’s so much “natty or not” or nick trig(who I like from his bbing days) everything is fake" or the guys like " Id be a pro if I did this am" I don’t want to look like so and so" lots of recreational stuff still in bbing. It’s just the lifestyle, maybe it will change but hanging out at the seminars, you tube has some good stuff buried deep between the bullshit. Nic trig does call the shows ok. Now bob chic and thatn ray have the bullshit mnbbing. I still watch muscular development with Ron. If the content " states what or how to take it will probably get taken down. You see a lot of " my experience" stuff , I watch Cutler which has good content overall minus the drugs.
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