Blast and Cruise sounds great right?

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I guess it depends on what you mean by “cruise,” but I always think of that as TRT doses. Then “blast” as “higher doses plus other compounds.” Of course, many “TRT” doses are really much higher than any TRT doc would prescribe!
That’s really it TRT real TRT isn’t going to normally be 250mg test enanthate every week or even 200mg test cypionate every week.
Doctors normally prescribe alot less unless you really need to get your numbers higher and are a bad responder.
What I see coming from trt clinics are 100mg wk maybe 175mg wk they compound it for the person and that’s trt.

When you are just injecting a ml of whatever testosterone you have a week that definitely isn’t TRT at all.
I like the trt and cycle but those are 2 things that are part of what people who live our lifestyle do

We will continue to see people talk about blast and cruise because its also part of the lifestyle that alot choose. I choose to blast and cruise and this is what happened.

@John does things his way
@Rusty has his way
@Bigmurph I have my way

Sorry guys should have left out the tags lol

Just examples that everyone has there own way especially because everyone is different but the meaning and definition of what it actually is needs to be understood better by people who see it and as you said end up thinking that its side effect free. Which is completely crazy to believe that AAS and other compounds are completely free of long-term effects. Ibuprofen will mess you up long-term so everyone and everyone has to understand that before they even take the plunge but moving forward I will ask more questions about if they understand what there doing to themselves
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I have actually seen labs and true trt prescription for 300mgs testosterone cypionate a week.
He still only had 800 numbers. I don’t remember what it was about him but it took a huge trt dose for him.

Exactly as you say blood work is what shows your levels and what your dosage should be if running actual TRT
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Thanks I believe that its a topic that needs to be spoken about I believe that TRT is fine but if you’re like me and don’t want TRT well then you’re making bad decisions.
I made bad decisions
I just want everyone to understand and see that you aren’t invincible while running AAS.
Things definitely happen this is why Harm Reduction is so important and that we discuss and understand before anyone takes the plunge.
See I consider that a lower number I would normally like to see atleast 1000 with 200mg/ml test cyp.
Everyone is different though just like @NeuroRN said it all depends on your blood work levels and how you respond.
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