Blequekat9 introduction

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Lol ok… I’ve been lifting since I was 13 I’m 50 now we’ll May 10 actually. Currently 285 I’m 6’2 19% body fat. I’ve used TRT for last 10 years I like to find new info on cycles and stay away from things that are too risky . Person bests have been hard for me to get back to recently but I guess that’s normal. I have adjusted and I’m just trying to get leaner as I age maybe down to 240 or 260
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Welcome to ugmuscle brother

This is a drama free board your welcome here and so is anyone with any beliefs. Please just don’t stir the pot were here to get our cycles and workouts right.
Thanks I’ll remember that going forward . I was responding to another post about political stuff not a good way to start . That being said I’m trying to cut more weight because the older I get the harder it will be to maintain as far as my health and my joints. TRT is a life saver though, my diet and time to workout have been hit or miss… until this Covid so gonna make the best of it and focus on my cut this summer season
Good weight loss bro… carrying the weight gets a bit hard at times sometimes only feel good in the gym and about hour after that’s why I’m trying to cut down 40 pounds or so
I spent most my life trying to put on weight for football. Can’t wait to have visible abs for first time at about 260
Your good brother what you said was no problem you were just going along with the topic and you didn’t do anything wrong. Which I appreciate and we are happy to have you as a member.
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