*Blood donation poll*


Well-known member
Would like to know how many members donate .

Yes and how many X a year.

Im assuming one that blast x3 a year on high does going x1 a year won’t do shit for ones health. Why I would like to know X amount per year.

Also note that you don’t donate, but you blast more than x1 a year.

Thank you .
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Yes sir. Thats the red cross standard (56 days) for regular whole blood. Theres other parameters for different donations. Their website lists all the different draws.

I’ve had a script for “therapeutic” blood draw at our local hospital. They would do a quick test and check your levels to see if they were high and draw it if they were. The phlebotomist told me there were some folks that would get it done every 2 weeks. They would just throw the blood away.

I’ve been “on” for over 3 decades. My blood was like pudding. My doc insisted on blood donating thats why i have a script. It cost me $150 every time i went to hospital to trash a pint. Ive been donating for sometime now. Don’t exactly remember but its decades. There is a considerable marked difference in how I feel on day 50ish and after donating. I feel great and it lasts for weeks.

For the poll… i donate every 56 days or so whether I’m blasting or cruising on trt. My blasting days are about over but i will still donate blood. My labs are posted over under bloodwork section.
I will add that it’s not just a feel good thing although that helps. Diet and blood donation brings all my labs into range big time so theres the science.

Of all the things on this rock…I’m scared to death of a heart attack or a stroke. Always have been.

Almost forgot…these dudes on here on my tail about my a1c also…not mentioning any names…nurse man. Hahaha that would be @NeuroRN
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I never have, when i do bloods my hemoglobin and iron are middle range on blasting doses, and at the bottom of the range when on cruise. Never used EQ though. I must have a genetic abnormality i believe to have low iron and hemoglobin and then blasting brings them up into more normal range.
Do you know if the power red donations do the same thing as standard blood donations? I believe this is where they filter out the red blood cells and put the plasma back in or something like that.
For the poll, I donate whenever it populates that I am eligible, which I think Poppy said is 56 days. I usually cruise but add in some HGH and Primo to blast. Mast sometimes too.
I don’t know. I would assume. I just read power red has additional requirements. Weigh more and only every 112 days or 3 times a uear
I’ll add myself to poll. And ramble a bit.

Never donated .
idk if years using adds an increase to levels hct, started about 3 years ago . but my hct stays at 51 when I do my mid cycle bloods.

Ill sum up a few cycles from 2019

3 on, cruised, almost 4 on, then pct. That was 1400mg test, 600mast ,600 tren. Some proviron. At the end off 2019 used 2000mg test, NPP , winstrol, EQ. Note my test was underdosed didn’t pull the same levels I did on 1400mg prop earlier that year.

After that in 2020 I ran EQ, deca, anadrol , about 1g test, some tren. Still same HCT since I started using gear 51.

Only thing is my cholesterol has shot up in 2020. Could be diet. All I did was eat ice cream and takeout durring shut down.

Moving forward , I might start trt in between cycles. I cant keep taking a month off and achive the look I’m after . also becuase I only stay off a month at a time, I don’t bother with PCT meds.
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Musclehead said:
After that in 2020 I ran EQ, deca, anadrol , about 1g test, some tren. Still same HCT since I started using gear 51.
This cycle should have definitely raised your RBC but im not sure about HCT all these compounds raise red blood cells to provide oxygen and nitrogen to the muscle. Im not sure about tren ive never used it but nandrolone and EQ also adrol all definitely raise RBC.
You might as well just blast and cruise im not sure if after those cycles you will be able to regain a decent natural level im a year + off and still have shit numbers. I believe that it was definitely my nor19 use I ran for 2yrs straight.
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I started with hcg durring the first year of cycling
, until I found its an exspence I wanted to do without. Becuase I enjoy being on, more times out of a year than off.

2 year cycle ? No trt break? I know the gf wants a baby in near future. But I don’t want to come off for 3 months if it takes that long I’ll have to practice some type of protocol .but that’s a whole diff topic .

Im off cycle now. Cut everything 5 weeks in cold turkey to heal an injury. Been 6 weeks.
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No I definitely dropped down multiple times during the 2 yrs to a cruise dose usually 200mg cyp.
I did run some strong blasts at the beginning using nandrolone and ended with long 20wk 2x blast of primo and trt test e 250mg maybe 500mg a week here and there but usually kept it low with the primo.

It sucks definitely at the beginning its gotten better but not better
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