Blood pressure 140 over 74

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So donated blood today. My blood pressure was 140 over 74. She said I should let me doctor know. High blood pressure does run in my family so made an appointment to see my doctor Monday was wondering if it’s that big of a concern tho since I’m still fresh to all of this.
I’ve went to donate before and they didn’t let do it cause mine was to high…yeah talk to your doc,hows your sodium Intake??

This is what it looks like
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I hold water I feel like idk how to really tell. And I’m sitting at 200 right now still pretty lean and I try not to eat a lot of sodium besides my steak seasoning
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Mine is always in upper right corner of normal/ideal and at Red Cross it’s high.
To answer your question. Yes high bp/hypertension IS a big deal.

It will kill you. Go see your doc and see what he says. Maybe just a spike… maybe lower sodium a bit.
That’s isolated systolic hypertension. 140 is a little high, but there are so many factors that could have pumped it up to that level temporarily that I wouldn’t worry about it unless it is consistently at that level or above. When I am all jacked up, my systolic reaches into the 140s, but it is episodic and drops quickly. My diastolic, like yours, is always low, usually 60-70.
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