Blood pressure friendly compounds

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Just curious on some advice from the pros been on like my third cycle test at 250 then 250 twice a week so 500mg added with t bol at 40 mg a day blood pressure started getting high got put on some BP meds and pct now bp is good gyms are starting to open back up gonna get some blood work and ready to get back on any recommended compounds that are blood pressure friendly thanks also was curious about teat prop vs. Test E or what i should add to avoid water retention aromison etc…
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I don’t really care much for orals these days because of my bp I have to take meds regardless of AAS whole family is ate up with it hereditary I guess
Diet can be good salt low exercise and cardio and my bp is still high not horrible 140/90 that’s why I been curious about cialis and it’s effects
ya I’ve seen your post about having the same issues wanted to jump on the tren but I think I seen you post that it causes you to have high BP if I’m not mistaken
Mine was great till 2016 116/70’s then all a sudden bam started climbing doc checked me out and said well your getting old something else do you give blood ? It can help especially while on cycle my imo
May help could be like syrup
Ya had some other weird symptoms on the orals to shortness of breath anxiety weird shit wake up in the middle of the night in a panic dropped them and was fine so needless to say I’m done with orals
Ya just started this month will be my 3rd time did the power red last time and felt great my hemoglobin level was 18.9 which they say is high im gonna donate 1 more time and get blood work then I’m getting on the swoll train
My bp got high on tbol but I was eating fast food. Right now bp is very good on sustanon, tren enan, and masteron enan. I think it’s all related to water retention and diet.
Yah my blood pressure is good and I’m taking 50 Anavar a day with 50 prov and 500 test a week. If it does climb I use some arimidex. Does Cialis really help with PB?
Cialis will reduce blood pressure, that’s why I take it! It’s mild if your bp is really high cialis might not take it down enough, but for slightly elevated bp it’s great!
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