Blood Results 800mg Test per Week


Well-known member
Here are my blood results done in November in week 6 of running a total of 800mg Test of our UNITED GEAR Test line( TEST E 500mg/week and TEST PROP 300mg/week at 75mg EOD.) and results came back with total 4,504 ng/dL

I’m currently prepping for a photo shoot and am also running Tren A 500mg/week and EQ 600mg/week

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I am right behind you in 2+ weeks for @UNITED Sust250 at 750mg/wk. @Fitraver @Bigmurph will help decide if a 48 hour or 72 hour post injection draw will be best for Sust.

@UNITED do you have preference you would like to see and be considered? It is your gear after all that we are checking blood serum levels of. Appreciate your input.
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Honestly on sust I would hold out until wk 4 atleast because of longer esters releasing but I would pull 48hrs after pin because you should still catch the propionate and everything else at a good peak
I just switched from 3 times a week (Mon, Weds, Fri) to 2 times a week (Mon, Thurs) same total mgs per week. Ill be pulling bloods next Tues morning after pinning Sunday morning which will be 600mgs of United Gear test400 and 450mgs eq300. Will post up results as soon as i have them brothers 😉:facepunch:t2:
I am expecting my total T to exceed 3200ng/dl and if you respond at least at my level yours should come back in the 2800ng/dL range. The EQ will have no effect of total T.
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