Blood Work During Tapered Cruise


So bloodwork came back today with a note that total test and free test were not run because “no adequate sample provided.” Ugh. Will have to re-run.

E2 still at 99–same as it was four months ago, even though I’ve been running adex and DIM. No physical manifestations of high E2 though, perhaps because of my continued use of masteron prop? Ironic, because I was convinced I had crashed my E2 and intended to back off the adex and DIM this week to pump it back up! I think my body just loves elevated E2.

Three concerning values came up: AST at 106, ALT at 180 and HDL at 16 (though total cholesterol at only 132). Clearly, gear hit the HDL hard, but the liver enzyme values inexplicably are off the chart. Interested in @NeuroRN’s thoughts and anyone else who is knowledgeable about these values. My doc indicated that my ongoing sinus infection and the fact that I’ve had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine may account for the enzyme values. Will retest a couple of weeks after getting the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Definitely not accounted for by alcohol consumption, as I have cut way back on that.

On the great side, PSA came in at 1.3, ALC at 4.5%, and hematocrit at 39.6%.
I use that and I have pretty damn good liver to begin with. Next time I have bloodwork for geneza I will be using superdrol 40mg as kick off with the liver aid I should
Still be well with in values
Two of the antibiotics I have been on for the sinus infection–amoxicillin and clarithromycin–are known to pose the risk of liver damage and trigger elevated enzymes. Similarly, I was on prednizone for the sinus infection, and that triggers elevate enzymes as well. Combine all of that with gear, and voila.
There is conflicting evidence about that, but yes, there are some studies that show elevated e2 as correlated with risk of heart attack. E2 of 99 is too high, no matter how you chalk it up. So back to the adex and re-test in a few weeks.
Antibiotics can ding the liver is im not mistaken. The Pfizer study (actual entire study) showed quite a few negative elevations in blood work, liver enzymes being one of them. For the time being I would suggest zero alcohol until the retest. Liv 52 would be a great start. Some glutathione if you have it.

Need to pump the HDL back up for sure.

E2 is high. High e2 even if you’re not “feeling it” can still be causing damage- gyno, blood clots etc. so whatever the reason. Let’s figure out a way to get that down. May need to switch AI if need be.
Yeah but your enzymes are like 5x normal. So I’d say whatever your going STOP! Talk to your doc about the meds and switch if necessary. Those numbers are like what I’ve seen in alcoholics that are circling the drain. And yes, that e2 can kill you.
Thanks. Completely agree. My E2 was 99 when I was on 100mg of MENT ED! Crazy that it is still that high with cruise levels of test, mast, and NPP. Popped .5 Adex today and will do so EOD until the retest and see how that works.

Starting the Liv52 tomorrow and will research glutathione.

Suggestions for pumping up HDL other than more cardio? Diet is in check. Not perfect, but very good.