SB Labs

Bloodwork Arimidex Dosage

Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
What should the Doctor’s new protocol look like?
1mg twice a week, .5mg every other day, or something else?
I don’t know honestly someone who uses arimidex will have to help you out but if I guessed another dose a week would get it taken care of until you stop the extra compounds.

I use exemestane or aromasin so im not really good with arimidex dosages

The drop in dosage will make the number lower but it seems that if you add nandrolone to your regimen you will need more arimidex to deal with estrogen
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I use armidex. Just add another dose per week if your estrogen is too high but then get more bloods after four weeks to see if the adjustment was enough or too mich or just right. Then log it so you know for future. First off what is your current estro levels and test levels. I missed it somewhere
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We all could stand to be a little more happy and a little less edgy. 🙂 But there seemed to be more sides (both physiological and emotional) at 51.1 three months ago verse now with the Arimidex.

So it’s more a long term health concern wanting it around 30.
Aude_Aliquid_Dignu said:
So it’s more a long term health concern wanting it around 30.
Yes estrogen high or low can and will effect the cardiovascular system especially in the 80s that’s why you never want to crash or completely lose estrogen all together but you don’t want it to go very high but you want it a bit high to help with gains.
Sooo, the Doctor wants me to cut back from 200mg a week Test to 140mg a week. She said my total Test of 967 was too high for a trough reading, and that I would be closer to 1500 at Peak which is way too high.

She also wants to keep me at .5mg Arimidex twice a week because she said the adjusted protocol would get my Estradiol down from the 82.7 it is at now, and she doesn’t want me taking “too much stuff”. Clomid back to 4 times a week as well.

So the new protocol is:
140 mg Test per week split E3.5D
1/2 mg Arimidex day after injection twice a week
90 mg Deca per week split E3.5D
25mg Anavar is Out for 8 weeks
25mg Clomid 4 times per week

I am still concerned that my Estradiol levels won’t come down to good levels. Am I playing with fire by self prescribing a third dose several of you suggested?

I told her about the 8 week Var I just finished and taking Deca at 2:1 to Test so she could do informed “Doctoring” as well.
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