SB Labs

Bpc-157 and its recovery benefits


Well-known member
So I convinced my coworker to get on bpc157 to help recover his separation of his collarbone to his shoulder due to tendon tears. He went from needing surgery to 3 weeks later with 2 weeks of pt to being cleared to work.
He was on 250mcg in the am and 250mcg pm. He spot injected in the shoulder and he swears that he couldn’t tell it was injured after a few days he was off pain pills. After a week of pt the doctors sat him down and asked him was he on anything do to the fact he was recovering so fast. I personally will have at least a few jars in my stash for just in case circumstances. It could be that we currently were on a huge shoulder workout for a few months before his injury. So idk if that helped, but either way sounds like bpc157 is a great recovering compound when needed. This is an update on him and I’d like to hear your experience with the peptide. I feel like this is good information that may help someone down the road.
I’ve used this and also had great results from both the bp 157 and the tb 500 both Injectibles has anyone tried the nasal spray version with any luck?
I didn’t know that they had nasal spray but I know some products are inhalers nasal spray also sublingual and torches now even implants.

Bioavailability becomes 47% so I believe that is lower but it will hit you instantly through the nasal cavity
This is the first I’ve heard of bpc-157 so I went on google looking for info before I jumped on board in this thread. I found this statement at USADA site and read pretty much everything I need to know:

While the peptide BPC-157 is not presently included on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, it is important for athletes to be aware that this substance is not approved for human clinical use by any global regulatory authority, it may lead to negative health effects, and it could be added to the Prohibited List at any time based on new research. An anti-doping test for detection of BPC-157 in urine has been developed and published.

If they’re making a test to screen athletes for it and want to possibly ban it, well, the shit probably works pretty good.
That combo is ticket. My rotator cuff and labrum surgery was supposed to keep me on the sidelines for at least 9 months. 3 months later I was essentially cut loose by the surgeon. He couldn’t believe how quickly an out of shape fat old fuck ex athlete like me had healed up so good. I told him I was pinning to win. He shook his head.
I played hockey twice last week and skating again tonight and tomorrow.