Brand New looking for advice

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New member
Hey guys so I’ve recently started getting into lifting seriously about 6 months ago. I’ve never juiced before and would like some advice from more experienced people. I’m 28 years old 6’1 about 185-190ish I’ve always been fit but thin especially my legs I want to put on a good amount of size in my legs chest and arms any advice on where to start with a stack and what’s the best way to go about buying them. Thanks
Welcome to ugmuscle brother glad to have you around

Your best bet is spend 6 months getting your diet and training perfect with meal prepping and so on for your goals and stick around read things here and ask questions about things that you don’t understand. This way if you do decide to go to the next level you will be ready for the ride.

Good luck and good gains brother

I also have to say that you need to read the rules of the forum. No one here will help you with buying or srcs anything. Just read around and you will see that were not a market place.
I look forward to seeing you in the forums brother
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I’d like to jump in, of course. Welcome friend. Hope you have fruitful progress. My 2 cents…get yourself in the HABIT of eating right. Get yourself in the HABIT of training right. Get yourself in the HABIT of prepping meals correctly. Once you’ve established those HABITS, then you consider the next level. Cuz here’s I how see it. If you achieve your goals without enhancement, why bother with it? Good luck friend. Again Welcome! 🤘
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Before you get on the AAS bus. Spend the money on a good personal trainer first. Get training. Diet. Routine set first. Then once you are solid in those things take the next step. I tell everyone thinking of enhancing their program, the guy that brought me into the fold, I spent 3 years eating and training before I took the next step. But that was old school. I still highly recommend a trainer. There are several on this site. Spend the money and time wisely instead of throwing money down the AAS drain. So to speak. 😁
I would spend a little more time than 6 months weight training. Odds are, if that’s really all the experience you have, you probably haven’t perfected very important things like form, training schedules, and diet. I know when I was 6 months in I probably looked like an idiot at the gym. I trained hard for 10 years until I was 33, learned proper form and kinda got a grasp on diet, then I looked into testosterone therapy. After a year of that, then other AAS. Take it slow man, you’re young and still have a lot of natural T flowing in you. Master form most importantly. If I used AAS at 6 months in I would most likely have serious injuries as a result from poor form. Find an experienced workout partner, or if you can afford it hire a trainer. You’ve got the rest of your life for AAS. Welcome to the board brother
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