First point I wanna make: Bitcoin fucking sucks. The block chain is one of the most inefficient pieces of technology ever conceived and we insist on using it for clandestine payments all the time? Remember a few years ago when they told us this was the future? Apparently, living in the future means waiting up to a full day for your transaction to be confirmed because the chain has gotten so stonking huge that it can no longer do anything fast. On top of that, we’re also being gamed by the likes of CoinBase, CashApp and RobinHood to see how they can make the most money out of your transaction before your money leaves their grubby mitts. Bitcoin was supposed to democratize money and instead, it’s now saddled with the same bullshit that makes dealing in government backed currencies such a pain in the ass. What’s more, as showcased with the FTX meltdown, the same kinds of financial scammers and grifters that run the big banks are running these exchanges. The more things change, the more they stay the same I guess. Anyone else frustrated with crypto these days? is it just me?
So, what brought all this on? I recently placed an order with a sponsor, whom, in their amazing grace, sent me the package before I had managed to send payment – I’d imagine because I usually buy a lot of stuff and pay quickly. Unfortunately, today was different. See, I used to get my bitcoin from CoinMama in the before times, but then they started instituting a lot of fees, so I swapped to cash app, which had very low buy and send fees. Then they started fucking with my outgoing transfers when it suit their purposes. So, having been left high and dry, I foolishly bought my coin from CoinBase… who will not let you transmit your coin until its sat in your wallet for a full week.
What are people using for a fast turnaround time for bitcoin these days? It seems I’m high and dry for options that don’t aggressively scam me out of money, but I want to hear what you guys think.
So, what brought all this on? I recently placed an order with a sponsor, whom, in their amazing grace, sent me the package before I had managed to send payment – I’d imagine because I usually buy a lot of stuff and pay quickly. Unfortunately, today was different. See, I used to get my bitcoin from CoinMama in the before times, but then they started instituting a lot of fees, so I swapped to cash app, which had very low buy and send fees. Then they started fucking with my outgoing transfers when it suit their purposes. So, having been left high and dry, I foolishly bought my coin from CoinBase… who will not let you transmit your coin until its sat in your wallet for a full week.
What are people using for a fast turnaround time for bitcoin these days? It seems I’m high and dry for options that don’t aggressively scam me out of money, but I want to hear what you guys think.
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