SB Labs

Syringe Sizes

In my early days we used some big spikes. That’s all we had access to and just thought that was how it was done. Hahaha one of the few times I will say the internet saved us!
Haha I probably used 23ga for the first couple years as well and every now and then I will accidentally order them then end up having to use them for a few days and hating life
Haha I probably used 23ga for the first couple years as well and every now and then I will accidentally order them then end up having to use them for a few days and hating life
For the record I hate pinning. It’s been about 10 years now that Ive been way over it. I just refuse to get old and wither like so many of my peers.
I'm sure @rnmuscle will remember the old Mexican syringes lol. Fucking shit was like barbed wire going in and out. I don't see how anyone can complain nowadays about needles after shit we went thru in the 90s lol.
I think they were 20 /1.5 but if they were 18 I would believe it
Truth, when pokes were hard to get even at feed stores. Some places wouldn't sell because I was too young, plus the fucked up crazy wear clothes!!! I would wipe off the sustanon nail and use it again! I never really spot shoot. I had a massive infection from doing my bicep. I and D 2 times from strep. The cut was 3/4 my arm. There were some others just infected. Sten and deposterona were so cheap and not horrible but I put a lot of that in my biceps, triceps and the worse ever outer chest. My chest was nothing when I competed. So I tried that , thank God no infection there but no improvement.
I/we will take that as a compliment.

We pride ourselves on being adults and not some acne riddled kid in their parents basement that has nothing better to do than play keyboard warrior. We’ve thrown many folks off of here for being “bullies”…. Can’t punch a loud mouth in the face here so we silence them. No question is too silly except asking for sponsors. We don’t do that. Collectively, we can answer
I love this forum. I visited a dozen others prior to this one and all they did was fight and talk shit back and forth. Not busting balls, but major shit talk. I never posted bc if you said/asked something stupid (something they considered common knowledge), they would take turns making you feel dumb as shit. I don’t mean breaking a forum rule…that is understandable to an extent. I can take shit talk, but if I don’t have to….
Everyone here is so nice and helpful. It’s obvious that y’all are very close. Refreshing.
@Sabin1 it's good you noticed that,people here are willing to help out anybody..just as long as you know the rules and are tactful about how you do things.a
Thanks @John. I definitely strive to be tactful, polite and considerate to everyone in my life and would never intentionally disrespect any of ya’ll OR this forum. Haven’t been visiting forums long so if I ever do accidentally mention something prohibited, please let me know. I already know you will…just ask @AHoster. LOL
This is the last time ahoster,THINK before you speak.
Thanks @John. I definitely strive to be tactful, polite and considerate to everyone in my life and would never intentionally disrespect any of ya’ll OR this forum. Haven’t been visiting forums long so if I ever do accidentally mention something prohibited, please let me know. I already know you will…just ask @AHoster. LOL
Just ask ahoster,not even that funny you smartass
I’ve been using the same size syringes for 3 decades…23 ga 1” (oil based). I use an 18 ga to pull and replace with 23”. I recently came across some 25 ga and they worked great and noticed at TRT clinic they use something even smaller looking like a TB syringe. What is the smallest gauge that works for oil-based product?

I use TB with Winny. I can pull in Test Susp with TB, but sometimes I can’t push plunger to release contents.
The smallest I’ve used for AAS suspended in MCT oil is a 31 gauge 5/8 inch insulin syringe. It sucks up slowly but works. I typically use a 27 gauge 1/2” slin pin. I don’t back load pins because Platinum Pharma uses high quality soft rubber tops that don’t dull the pin. I’m currently taking test prop and deca plus occasional Anadrol preworkout. Insulin syringes work great if your injects use MCT oil as the carrier oil. I doubt it will work with cotton seed oil or grape seed oil.
The smallest I’ve used for AAS suspended in MCT oil is a 31 gauge 5/8 inch insulin syringe. It sucks up slowly but works. I typically use a 27 gauge 1/2” slin pin. I don’t back load pins because Platinum Pharma uses high quality soft rubber tops that don’t dull the pin. I’m currently taking test prop and deca plus occasional Anadrol preworkout. Insulin syringes work great if your injects use MCT oil as the carrier oil. I doubt it will work with cotton seed oil or grape seed oil.

What is backloading?
You just zap in microwave?
Brother. Please don’t take this the wrong way. But for someone claiming to have run cycles for 30 years… you’re asking some beginner level questions. We’re happy to answer, but seems like you may need to take a step back and revisit some of your knowledge.