Chinese growth hormone big question


I know This question is hard to answer unless you are some lab guy working with biosimilar proteins n shit. But just for the sake of food for thought.

Many experienced athletes have said thousands of times chinese growth hormone is shit, even if you have high serum levels on blood work.

Why so? Is it possible to make something else, like different amino chain thats not actual HGH but shows up nicely on blood serum?

Before Oneq’s SomaLong came out, i thought its not possible. And anything thats not 191aa will not show up on blood work.

But now we see it in real life as actual product, being - SomaLong.

Basically Somalong if i understand right its modified growth hormone molecule (its not 191aa), but STILL show up on boold work serum levels as growth hormone. Im not saying SomaLong doesnt work, im sure it does, ive tested it.

But here arise the BIG question.
Where is the problem for chinese fake producers to make similar modified amino chain, thats cheap to make, but doesnt react to growth hormone receptors but STILL show up on blood work serum tests.??

So now basically Somalong show us - it IS possible.

If this is true. Blood work testing for generic growth hormone is absolutelly worthless.

Discuss guys, im interested in your thoughts.
I’ve often thought about that. I’ve been on the fence for some time now about hgh. There’s as much info out there showing it’s is no good as there is saying it’s good. As far as I know. The oneq brand is legit.

I’m just not sure. As I age my mindset has changed from when in doubt… do it…to …when in doubt…DONT do it. Hahaha
The problem is some Chinese gh is good and some isnt. Many of it is faked and dont believe the tops cause they can put whatever the fuck the want. Even the chinese reps will ask you what tops you prefer when ordering in bulk and all the same price. You realize even throwing a few vials in that are low dosed or fake in a pack makes them way more money. And when GH is manufactured that way in china the first runs will be good and slowly degrade towards the end of production line and machine needs to be cleaned and re calibrated again. Years ago I did tests on some chinese gh and some vials were bunk while some good. But no one unless you get cheap testing a willing to throw away kits at a time will test everything and pretty impossible at the dosages most people take. My last run of chinese gh worked but not nearly as good as oneq premixed. Of course now I take Long and its amazing.
Yes. I’ve personally seen one guy out of everyone I know change to pharma HGH and keep the other stuff the same basically, and physique changed in 6 months to a big , bloated, strong offseason physique. But he took a regimen with insulin a little later supposedly from Milos…the brain…still had to diet and do cardio 2 hours a day and never “made it” fake, real, 24ng/dl, 28ng/dl, I’ve never experienced anything but bloat, hunger and numb hurting hands, and that’s what everyone else seems to gauge it on is the sides. I get it that someone must know " know the secret" but for density of fibers or supposed hyperplasia one would have to take at least burn unit doses…i haven’t looked in a while but it’s like Burns and SBS, it was around 6mg/day, so 1mg is 3.3ius roughly…so 18- 20ius once a day. I think it’s overated.
I looked at some inserts(:online):not in my hands, and short bowel syndrome has a huge dosage, the same for HIV cahexia, and most weight based dosing. The funny thing is reading this I’m like do I know anyone with this? With that? Honey, do we know anyone with… Someone, I know used fairly inexpensive large doses of this Russian HGH in like 1992-3 that was supposed to be Protropin the 192aa HGH. Then it went around that it was crescormon type from cadavers. Whatever, it didn’t work. The 192aa could exert effects if your one that doesn’t produce the response to it. Athletes will never cease to amaze me on what they will do. In the last forty years if u look at bodybuilding or any strength sports. Physiques haven’t gotten much different, plus with all the supplements that do work somewhat, food based or otherwise. The physiques and strength should be so much better. But, we are finite especially in strength. Can someone bench 1200? Or would the ulna,radical or humerus just snap.
rnmuscle said:
Can someone bench 1200?
I don’t think so.

Imo the big boys benching in the multiply divisions have some questionable lifts. They get a wide berth in the lockout.
There’s 1000+ lbs lifts, but I don’t believe any 1200 lb benchers… I would hate to see what their shoulders look like afterwards
Oh yes, and I respect them all but you remember ken Lane(?)? Arcidi, even the 198 guys rich winner benched like 602. 25 years ago. If you weigh 400 you better bench 800!
I crack u up how? How? Am I a clown? No, you said I crack you up…how the @#$# do I crack u up…just wait till I do my log… it’s coming. #neuroicufriggin nurse has a good one, you do, filthy dirty nasty has his crazy ass doing one. Sometimes you find some good stuff. But, I don’t know if you do this I’m starting to think every cramp or pain in my kidney, or I can’t digest certain foods anymore…I know better(foods do change) but I’m like fuck I’m 50 maybe that is the organs failing! ☠️☠️ I’ve been “off” a while. I will explain that but it’s just an experiment I was doing when I was hurt. Now, I got to spread it around and get in on the Flash, always used the holy man and I have a good guy I helped long ago and he is a brewmaster. But very basic things. So, here I go.
Might be going back to charge at a really nice LTAC or med/surg/ observation at a nice medium sized none level 1, lots of ortho and gallbladers(or unknown abdominal etiology) 5 to 1. I have to stop running, too old. It’s been so long that I did step down or PCU. Too big of a shortage to just get refresher. Can’t stand ER, never did OR. I have no idea why I started telling you this. I think I had a question there. Oh, what are the ratios your seeing in M/S, TELE( real telemetry like cardiac post/ op.
rnmuscle said:
I crack u up how? How? Am I a clown? No, you said I crack you up…how the @#$# do I crack u up…just wait till I do my log
Blahahaha I needed that. Crappy day at work.
I can’t sleep, I wanna train after work but if I have a fucked up night, I’ll blow it off and go to sleep. Maybe not though, the test is kicking in, and when I add everything else in besides the supplements. I should be able to train in AM. I know the test is kicking in because at 50…the genius was going to train twice a day! I work 3 or 4, then do a double split on the other 3 days for six workouts. Them the genius remembered that I love the gym, the lifestyle but if be dead, I’m no good to anyone. So I think cardio ,stretching when I get off. Sleep…train at 4 or if I’m off 8pm. Unless you own it, don’t get too stressed for someone else!
It varies. Where we’re at now: tele 1:4, step down 1:4, med surg 1:5. In Alabama 1:6 is minimum outside the ICU.
I do remember lane and arcidi… they were way ahead of their time. Game changers for sure.