SB Labs

Cialis, L - Citrulline, HCG

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for test lifers like me, when hormone levels are off, my libido is off and clearly it sucks feeling this way

when my hormone levels are on point, im obviously in a far better mood and confident

I was told by a client using cialis and l-citrulline is amazing combination for sex drive. and keeping the male appendage fuller with blood

are there any other things that work for you to keep your buddy downstairs ready to pitch a tent?

thanks in advance
I alternate the two for lifting. It seems the days I use citrulline malate and agmatine sulfate for pumps the second day of cialis in system combine with it real well
I just added test prop , and holy crap, been almost having wet dreams while sleepinp, and I’m old as fu@k!
I’ve been on sustanon, either test cyp or enan, and deca for awhile but adding the test prop did something. Makes me want to get more. Maybe next run I’ll do test prop and NPP EOD and test enan once a week. I’m cutting up anyway. I always use Cialis preworkout so I always have erections while I sleep, but not like this.
a few hours prior 20mg vitamin Cialis ( the gentlemen’s secret) and 40 mg of viagra an hour before liftoff helps me bring the aluminim bat to the wiffleball game. Test Cyp keeps my appetite to chase and conquer. (Hunt It, Fuck It, Eat It)
Now I’m stoked to try these other supplements.
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