Clarity on testosterone only


Well-known member
Im running a test only cycle after 15yrs sense i last cycled.
Im running test E at 600 mg a week
Goal is to bulk up
Ive just rounded the corner of week 3
So far so good …im up 12 lbs
Def retaing a little water in my face and lower abs.
Strength increase .elevated mood sex drive up all there.
I was wondering sense i dont see it disscussed often
On the boards is the clarity of my thinking.
Ive been killing it at work the gym and even at home.
I feel real good mentaly and was looking to see who else gets the clearaity i speak of. Its like this fog has been lifted and i can think much clearer .
I love Test. Test is best and I concur with all of your sentiments. I feel “better” when I’m running test. I added in TBol this cycle to try it out but straight up test is the shizzle. It’s the chemical that makes men feel like men.

About the end of week 2 I can feel the difference: sex drive,motivation, general mood. In fact this cycle really makes me think I should do some TRT thinking and see a doc after I PCT.
Ya i was thinking anavar the last 4-6 wks tail end but have never ran it. Gonna research a bit more .
Im also going to doc. Post pct to go over trt.
I feel great best in a while.
I do have ai on hand but havnt used it. Hey the scale dont lie bro. I dieted down to 160 and currently sit at 172 this a.m. i know a lot of its water but its 12lbs in the right direction
Well good on you then, for that 12 lbs. I come off as not all the way believing about half the things I read over the net cause well it’s the net, so I apologize for that.
No worries😏im not gonna post it if its not true. Im not here looking for approval im here to gain knowledge and learn .i went from strict diet and went from a puffy 185ish down to 160 9-10bf
Im def holding water but still see my abs and veiny af. Strength is up and im loving life…ima keep this train rollin.
Ya im to old to being going crazy .i feel those years are behind me. Whats LGD…?
And whats your opinion on var for the end of test cycle?maybe switch up at the end and finish with prop?
Test only cycles do my body pretty good, usually I prefer a higher dose of test if that’s all I’m running like 900mg per week
I will be adding some superdrol, for a few weeks, randomly throughout this cycle. About the only oral I actually like.