
Far more concerned about the ridiculous people’s reactions than the actual virus. I have a Costco membership primarily for TP. I grab a cart full of stuff every time I go but basically go when I need TP. Went ladt week and they were totally out. They stock enough to fill my house and they were completely out. That shit is crazy. I’m a little concerned about people freaking out and what that may cause.
Mass hysteria! The regular flu will kill more than 5500 in us alone annually. And yeah respirators are part of my job so it sucks when people buy em all. There was a guy on a road trip that passed through my area and went to every mom and pop shop buying em all up, he told a buddy of mine he was selling them on Ebay for 200 per box and that he’d already paid his damn house off. But I haven’t cared to check ebay to confirm. Ps where I live is like the movie o brother where art thou… we dont catch on to fads quickly

1hr work time 1 farm. The carona virus will have to wait its turn to kill me
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A little research will show this is media driven frenzy. Kinda Like Y2K. 70% of the deaths in China were older men. Smokers. Most deaths were complications of obesity and respiratory problems. While younger people can test positive there are no deaths or sickness under 14. Older people 60 plus, that have medical issues or upper respiratory problems are of concern. The CDC says obesity can be a factor. Did you know 45% of the population in the US 50 and older are classified obese? Anyways. Like the flu. Wash your hands. 20 sec. Use SOAP and water. Not just water you nasty fuckers. I see you… wash hands after restrooms before you eat. And keep your nasty meat hooks away from your face. If you contract Corona virus. STAY HOME. Treat it as the flu. Pain relievers. Hydrate. Rest. You will survive. Remember CDC will alway give conservative estimates. Like all engineers. You come up with a number, pad it by 20%… 😂. Lastly. Look at flu deaths. Who they are and you will see who the deaths effect the most. Older people with health issues. Now if you want to talk about the 32 year old who’s blogging he’s dying. 2 things. 1 apparently he’s never had the flu. If you all have (I have) yes. You feel like you are going to die. 2. He’s severely obese… be safe. Be smart. Stay healthy. At least the gym isn’t as full now. 😂😂
Interesting comments. I’m not sure what to think at this point. I might just start pinning Primo for the foreseeable future to boost my immune system.
Like stated above, I’m not worried about the virus itself, I’m worried about the media driven mass hysteria and the reactions of the people. I’m also worried for my youngest daughter, and my little grandson. Our youngest daughter has a lung condition, if she gets sick it’ll be bad news and I’m praying every night for that not to happen, and our little 17 month old grandson is ALWAYS sick, if he were to catch corona virus it probably wouldn’t be good.
Like the research shows though, most of the deaths are in older citizens who already have health issues, and in the United States, it’s got less than a 3% mortality rate. If everyone would just wash their hands, and cover their mouths and nose when they sneeze and cough, we’d be fine!
Kids are fine. The CDC even stated tgat it’s almost like hepatitis A. It will fuck up an adult but not children. But they can be carriers. I’ve read that even some reports say 19 and below are good to go. The youngest case reported with an illness was 22 at the moment. Like the flu. Keep hygiene up. Matter fact I e gone to fist bumps than handshake. 😁. Your little ones are safe. 😁
good post and very true…I have a degree in microbiology and still do some research. the media will hype things. just because a person has tested positive does not mean they will die. pay attention to this post…well said
I’ve always been leery of things like this. No full names. No location besides general location. And very staged. Just my opinion. Italy by the way isn’t known for its health care system… but once again. Seems too scripted to me. Just saying. Thanks for posting tho. I do like to hear all input. But I’m more incline to believe empirical data more that analytical data.