I can’t sleep deep I bout died in a house fire 15 yrs ago and anything awakes me up. To be honest I been kinda fuqked up since the covid, then that damn vaccine and covid again. I’m ain’t right anyway but damn it’s been aadhd to the max my crazy pills stopped working after 10 years my taste and smell is jacked the fuck up all the time If I do actually smell or taste it it’s horrible to the point I won’t eat I’m mean borderline serial killer stuff. It ain’t me I know it ain’t me I tell the doctors it ain’t Me something wrong and hey they don’t know, I get trails while I’m doing stuff like lsd trails you see I know that ain’t right. ( I’m 100% positive that was from vaccine. I’m bout to go get my medical card to have liquid thc and well I guess get high I don’t know I don’t smoke anything never have figure it’s prob a tumor just went through some of that this past year don’t let anyone ever tell you cancer is easy cause it’s a bitch. Chemo therapy can kill cancer but it can’t kill no covid done come outta bat ass