SB Labs

Crazy blend idea I had just now

I’d definitely be interested in how it works for you. I’d never recommend any my clients do this nor advice anyone to do it. I get your thoughts on it but those items just don’t mix. But hey start a thread on it.
Kind of already do it. Just not as a blend. Oral Winstrol 40mg a day. Deca 200mg Monday Thursday test E 200 Monday Thursday. I get super dry looking. But if I can get a decent injectable Winstrol. I will def try and see what happens and start a thread. 😁
you get labs done? that winstrol is screwing your insides up … not to mention the issues it causes to joints … the way it dries you out is pretty unhealthy over time.
I’ve ran Winstrol quite a bit. And just the past few years has caused glass tendons. But running Deca with it stopped the pain. Now I don’t run it as often as I used to. Maybe 7 weeks right before summer. 😂 like I said getting older I can feel it more. And yes. I get blood work pretty much every 2 months. Full panel. My RBC is high always. But the rest of my numbers look really good for a old fucker. I donate blood every 2 months. So that gets me good. I should probably stay away from Winstrol, but it is one hell of a compound for me. I get great results. I should probably stop It and just be more disciplined.
Not saying I’m correct but all that illium and troy winstrol…the fake products made from glue😖, I actually would mix with an oil based shake and serve. Some of it was real, TBU might remember when it would clog the syringe, then we learned the word micronized! LOL I still swear by the racetrack winny V and test aqueous solution 100/100 per day plus a long acting test and Deca Durabolin or Durabolin(npp). I did that for powerlifting at the time over 30 years ago. Funny, replaced the searle anavar for Nilevar and 1 thought along with many guys and unfortunitely gals. The drug stack is the simplest part of PL, BBING, etc. I’ve always somewhat joked saying I only know when I’m off. I lost myself in this response, what was the question?
Yes. I know that using a 23 gauge needle was not an option back in the day cuz you couldn’t push the gear through. But, now everyone is a master brewer now. I still warm my oils because if you didn’t, it took 20 min to push 2cc 😂.
I still love Winstrol tho. And I’m going to try my crazy blend. I’ll let you know how that goes 😂
winstrol is some nasty ass shit . I tell most people if they aren’t going to be making some money from using it then they should leave it alone. just my .02 cents and to be honest if you have to add another compound to be able to run a compound its a pretty big sign saying you might want to reconsider … it’s your body though and you have to live with it … 😉
Solid advice. Probably should stop. I’m about to try the Tren train. Heard it was better. 😄. Anyone wanna buy some oral Winstrol?? 😂
Think he’s talking about the pellet baking. If you didn’t do it right you could end up with binders in the mix and that wasn’t good.
Kind of a historian. After the vet winstrol, it was junk, who knows why. But, the explanation was there was a “micronized” winstrol that went suspension. I highly doubt anyone actually used Winthrop or even real fort dodge but it was good. I was referring to drugs that were around back when I had long flowing hair😭You can start in the 80s with the labs and pretty much know where someone was and what year it was by the drugs that were popular and “lab names” there were some heists going on like at Lyphomed and the 4iu Russian growth that was rumored to be crescormon. If you tried that you were likely to be in the midwest since it was popular with the best PL crew ever(sorry westside barbell). After my wrestling career was over I actually thought bbing was a sport LOL. Winstrol can do a number on your lipids, but I never could really find the answer to the legend of tendon ruptures, muscle tears, etc. Could be just because Winstrol was used 90% only before a show, when your already at risk. I was taking winstrol V and desma amps before each tricep rupture.