Oh hell naw to the naw, a post about nut sacks. I got this.It all really boils down to individual person what matters the most is how you feel are you energetic, in good mood, horny, goal oriented, driven, beating your chest you know man shit. Then with that in mind where you feel good with no side effects. Like high bp psa livers enzymes, thick ass blood you know shit that will kill you. Find the dose that makes you, you it may be 150 it may be 300 per week then ride for 2-3 months get bloods check test, free test, estro. Adjust as needed maybe ai maybe not. I find the less shit you take the better off you are if you can reach goal with no ai good if needed still ok. I. Would rather take 150-200 mg every 4-5 days than 300 every 7 days. And don’t be scared of estro that isnt. 25. I do take hcg with my TRT. It keeps my nuts in the sack and the sack hanging. If I don’t one nut checks out then it sends a postcard from wherever the fuck it goes and the other nut says will holla. then my sack looks like an old lizard beard flapping in the wind and if I get off it’s like someone pulled the cord on a Briggs and Stratton lawnmower in my taint then clamped my prostate with a set of vise grips. Hcg rectifies that, keeps the boys full and happy and when they go off smooth as butter baby… baby butter. It also keeps my FSH and LH right inside low normal instead of totally nonexistent