SB Labs

Cruise time- TRT dosing

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Well the blast is over. Had a great cycle and great gains. Starting back on a cruise. TRT doc had me on 200mg a week (only one injection per week, and .5mg adex. Going into this cruise I’m dropping lower test per week, plus injecting 2x per week as I don’t want to cruise and have to use AI

Just curious what your cruise/TRT protocol is. I’m leaning on 140mg a week and seeing where my levels come out in 4-6 weeks
My dr prescribed trt is 200 every 2 weeks. 400 every 4 weeks total. My personal choice is pinning 50 every 4 days. That’s just easier for me to keep track of. That keeps my test levels at ~850.

I personally supplement to 100 every 4 days for a mini blast. That gets my levels up to ~1300.
I do 100 twice weekly and that keeps my levels around 850 or higher slightly. I have to take .5 armidex weekly or my estrogen gets high. But my bf was high lest time I did that and checked bloods. Might not need as much now.
I’m at 140mg a week. That puts me at 750 pretty religiously. And I feel great at that number. When on Cycle I’m at 700mg of test. With Deca 300mg I am lethargic, get winded easily and pretty big over all. I honestly feel a bit shitty. So it feels good to cruise back on my TRT to get back into that good state of mind. But I can lift a ducking ton for a old man on blast. 😂
Have you tried NPP in place of deca? When I researched it before my first cycle of NPP the consensus was it adds endurance. I felt like it did.
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I’m prescribed 210mg test C per week. Split.

I have not needed an AI all though it was prescribed.
I also just hired a coach for training and he is going to change it up I’m sure.
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@TBU will you still blast at those numbers at your age? Not being smart, just picking your brain.
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Gonna give Deca a go come fall. Was thinking 400 test 400 Deca. How do you like it at 300? Maybe I should start lower. Tough what I read online because some guys are 500/500 test deca for first deca cycle lol
I have 2 blasts I run. Winter blast for bulk. Which I listed. Summer blast which is 600 and 50mg ED of Anavar to cut the fat I gained from my winter bulk. As I’ve aged I cannot do heavy orals anymore (Dbol and ABOMBS) I really have issues on these. My hemoglobin will rise during blast, but that’s it. Heart is good just had a CGI and EEG. I have no blockage or heart issues. I’m heart is in the top 15%tile of heart health for my age.
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No I have not. I really like how Deca makes my joint feel. That’s it. I’ve look a NPP but never tried it. With the new sponsors I may have to give it a ride to see what the dif is for me.
I log everything. If I start seeing the really bad sides of a compound, it gets the red circle of never again in my log book. Just monitor what and how you feel. Best advice I can provide.
You mind me asking how long you’ve been using AAS for? That’s great to hear all your markers are in good standing. Seems like you really listen to your body too
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I’m not saying @TBU is old but if you’ve seen pictures of chesty puller…you’ll notice a young sergeant driving him around in a jeep…thats @TBU. Hahaha
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